"Too late."


"I saw it."

"What?" He truly looked confused.

"Your sexy smile."

His eyes widened. "You think I'm sexy?"

She didn't answer him; she simply hummed beside him. When he wasn't looking, she continued to watch him. She tried not to laugh when she noticed that as they waited, his mouth twitched furiously as if he was trying to smile again on purpose.

After a few minutes of waiting, Grant growled and grabbed his walkie-talkie. "Casanova, come in."

"Casanova?" she whispered.

"Micah," he explained, and she laughed.

"Casanova here, what do you need Big Bad Wolf?"

Ellie covered her mouth to keep from laughing.

"A tunnel escort."

"There should be one up there."

"Yes, there should," Grant muttered sarcastically.

"Right dear, be there a minute. Casanova, Love God, out."

"Love God, my ass," Grant groused as he reattached his walkie-talkie at his waist.

It wasn't two minutes later when Micah appeared in the tunnel. He held out both hands. "Come, my lovelies, time to fly!"

Grant growled and placed his hand on Micah's arm. Ellie did the same. Micah floated them down to Level One. This time she kept her eyes open. It was fascinating to see the different levels go by.

Micah dropped them off and then waved. "Aren't you staying?" she asked. He shook his head. "Despite the abundance of beauty that is sure to be at the dinner table, it's really not my scene. Besides, I've got a game going with the twins. If I leave them alone too long, they cheat. Adieu!"

When they could no longer see the witch, Grant turned to her. "You seem comfortable around him."

"He's easy to talk to." Ellie saw his scowl and realized he was nervous. Feeling like she was about to risk everything, she reached out and took his hand in hers. He stared down at her in shock, his eyes riveted where their hands were joined together. It seemed like he had stopped breathing, so she started to pull away.

"I can let go, if you don't want..." His hand tightened on hers almost to the point of pain.

"No!" He cleared his throat. "I mean, no. This is fine." He relaxed his hand a bit. She smiled up at him, and this time, with him at her side, they made their way to the door. Grant raised his other hand to knock, but the door swung open before he had a chance to.

Sebastian smirked at them. "Heard you were coming."

"You heard?" Eleanor asked, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Sebastian shook his head. "No, with the walkie-talkie. This way."


They walked into the dining room. Unlike the antechamber, the dining room was a thousand times more intimidating. The extremely long wooden table looked like something that would have been used to serve a medieval royal feast.

There were no less than a dozen people chatting around the large dining table and only a few she recognized from the earlier that afternoon. The men rose from their chairs as she entered.