
"So, we're mates." Ellie wanted to smack her hand against her forehead. She sounded like a complete idiot.

He nodded frowning. "Yes, I don't know how that happened."

Ellie felt her mouth go dry. Without saying a word, she walked past him up to the door. Without knocking, she hurried through the doorway, closing the door behind her. She felt as though the weight of the world was crushing her. She had a mate who didn't want her.


Grant frowned as Ellie walked away, shutting the door behind her. He had no idea what to say to her. Did he make her nervous? Was she scared of him? He could see that being a very plausible explanation. He was gruff and at times insensitive. He'd never received a proper education, and geeks were her rock stars. Why on earth did Fate stick her with a monster like him?

She was beautiful, kind, and warm. He couldn't get enough of her. He reached out to touch he

r whenever he could, took advantage of any excuse to lay his hand on her back. He craved the contact. Her body was perfect, so soft to the touch. His hands were nearly shaking with the need to hold her. All he wanted was to wrap her in his arms, but he hesitated. He didn't know what she would do. Would his advances be welcome? She would probably scream. He wished he could be more like Micah. He paused, no, he didn't, well, maybe a little. Micah always seemed to know what to say to people, how to get them to smile.

He would give anything to have Ellie smile at him like that. He'd come to terms with the fact that he was a monster years ago. But lately, it surprised him when the children latched on to him without fear. He thought children were supposed to see past face value and were good judges of character, but they all seemed to want him around. He racked his brain trying to think of a way to make her feel more comfortable around him. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt his beautiful mate. At the very least, he had to avoid distracting her while she helped the children.


For the rest of the afternoon, Ellie threw herself into her work. As the children began to wake up from their light naps, she introduced herself. They seemed like different children than before. They were calm and smiling, nothing like the screeching banshees she'd seen earlier. Her mate was behind her the entire time. He stood like a silent sentinel. Wherever she turned, he was there. He was never in the way, just always present. She had to admit, she could understand why the children felt comforted when he was near. He seemed to exude this quiet strength, and if they were scared being sick, of course they would want him nearby.

It was late afternoon almost evening when the symptoms began to emerge again. One by one the children began to scream, clutching at their knees, arms, and legs. Like before, they began to flail about, lashing out at their parents. Her grandmother and Dr. St. John helped her by racing around to administer more medicine. They could see it begin to take effect as the children quieted down once again on their cots.

Ellie was at a loss. She had no idea what was wrong. She needed to get to the lab and start on their bloodwork. It was quite possible it would take all night. She looked up to see two of the mothers in tears, their mates looking extremely worried.

As her grandmother began gathering a second set of blood samples, she waved the distraught parents over to one side. They gathered around her. "Doctor..." one of the women started. Ellie held up her hand.

"Listen, I am going to be very honest with you. I have no idea what's wrong with your children, but I haven't even been here a day, so that's to be expected. I'm going to let you know what I'm going to do and what our next steps are." They nodded. "As their parents, I need you to make sure they are eating and getting lots of fluids. Most of them are dehydrated due to the low fever, which will only exacerbate any kind of joint or muscle pain. My grandmother will give you a chart. Since there are so many children, we will need help keeping track of some of their activities, like bowel movements, time of complaints, and water intake. Keep track of everything. With any luck, after I look at their bloodwork tonight, we might have a better understanding of what's going on. The medicine I've given them seems to last about six and a half hours, so they should be fine for this evening. I'll come back up around midnight and give them another dose so they sleep through the night. A good night's rest should help them immensely. Sleep is one of the best healers."

"Why do they attack us?" one mother asked brokenly.

Ellie thought about it a moment. "I truly believe that it's not them, that it's their animals reacting. Dr. St. John"--she nodded in his direction--"may have been on to something when he used the analogy of a wounded animal. Animals in the wild tend to lash out at anything and anyone that gets near them when they are hurt and confused. They don't understand that someone may be trying to help them. All they know is that they are in pain and are scared."

"Human children don't react like this," one of the fathers protested.

"True," Ellie agreed. "Then again, these children aren't human. Humans are raised from infancy getting and being sick. They have runny noses and low fevers, strep throat, ear infections, even cancer. Almost from the time they are born, the world attacks them. They are simply used to that type of pain and stress on their bodies. Your shifter children have never been sick, so of course they're confused."

The parents began to nod as if beginning to understand what the children were going through. Ellie continued. "Now, Dr. St. John and my grandmother will be with me at midnight, and we'll get everybody dosed again, but until then, we will be relying on you a great deal. I'll be heading down to Level One to attend a dinner meeting with Prince Magnus. I'll be apprising him of the situation here. He has assured me he is willing to do anything and everything it takes to make sure the children receive the best care possible."

"Of course he has. He loves the children," Susan said, leaning into her mate.

"Yes, he does," Eleanor agreed. "From what I understand, I can be reached with a walkie-talkie."

Tobias held one up. "Micah left us an extra."

"Perfect." She turned to her mate, knowing without having to look where he'd be. He met her eyes and nodded. She continued. "If you need us, call Grant and we will come as soon as we can get a level escort. We're just moments away," she assured them.

"Thank you for coming, Doctor," Susan said, wiping her eyes.

Grant stepped forward and once again placed a hand on her back. This time he walked in measured steps as they made their way toward the transport tunnel. Ellie watched him covertly. He was trying so very hard to walk with her. She felt a small glimmer of hope spring to life in her heart.

When they reached the tunnel's edge, she looked around; there was no escort to be found. She frowned. "I see what you mean."

Grant looked down at her. "What?"

"Waiting for an escort sucks."

He grinned at her, and her heart jumped up into her throat. He was simply gorgeous. His square jaw had a dark stubble that gave him this roguish look, and when he grinned, a little dimple appeared in his cheek. His eyes twinkled, and then she blinked and it was gone. His face was back to scowling.