"Of course. Not only did you mate a shifter, but you mated a male one. You are not able to pass on the DuBois gift to another generation. You have polluted our pure bloodline."

Kari saw that Avery was shaking behind Warrick. He was clutching the back of his mate's shirt.

She stepped forward, growling low in her throat. "What is going on here," she demanded.

Andre turned, a smile on his face until he saw her expression. He looked at his cousin who stood almost seven feet tall and then to her, and he took a step back. "Nothing that concerns you, female. I hear you have whored yourself out to Prince Magnus for your quick promotion. No wonder my father is upset that my cousin mated the likes of your mongrel brother."

Kari inhaled at his words. But before she could reach out to choke the life out of him, Declan moved. He was a blur at her side before he raked his claws down Andre's chest. The vampire howled and clutched at the wound. Kari stepped around them to reach Avery. Warrick moved so that they were both behind him. Avery wrapped himself around her as they watched the scene before them.

"I will have you detained warrior! This is assault!" Andre cried.

Declan looked at him in disgust. "Quit whining, you useless sack of shit. The scratches are already healing. You're lucky I didn't return the favor your father paid me. You would be laid up in the infirmary."

Nigel walked over and took his place in front of her. Neil was next to him in front of Avery, creating another barrier between them and the threat. "Yeah! You're lucky!" Nigel yelled. "Yeah!" Neil echoed. Both men stood slightly behind Warrick glowering at the vampire.

Andre hissed up at Warrick. "You are forbidden to return to our level or to interact with anyone in the family. You are completely cut off."

Warrick straightened his back. "I feel your father has done me a great service. I want nothing more to do with you."

Andre eyed Kari and Avery with an evil glint in his eye. "If the shifter has an accident and dies, you can come home." Andre licked his lips. "Or I am sure we could find a different use for him."

Kari blinked and almost missed it. Warrick stepped forward as he swung his right arm back. On the second step, he landed an uppercut that sent Andre flying. Kari realized that when one is almost seven feet tall an uppercut can go very, very high. Andre flew off of his feet and into the air. When he landed, everyone heard something snap. Nobody moved; they were shocked by Warrick's red eyes and his long black claws. "You go near my mate and I will rip you apart!" Warrick growled. When he received no response, Nigel edged around the crowd over to Andre and nudged him with the toe of his shoe. He looked up. "He may or may not be dead. I'm not quite sure. I don't want to get close enough to look." Declan walked forward, reached down and grabbed Andre's shirt, and pulled him up. "He's still breathing." He dropped him back onto the floor.

Warrick sniffed. "Too bad."

Declan eyed his friend. "You do not want to kill your cousin, Warrick. You don't want to give Avery the grief of losing his mate. It wouldn't have been in self-defense."

"Who is to say it was not self-defense?" Old man Richter called out from the crowd. Mumblings of agreement sounded off all around them. Declan pinched the bridge of his nose. Kari felt tears gather. The people around her were supporting her and her brother. Kari ran a hand over his hair, trying to ease his shaking. "It is okay, baby boy, I am pretty sure that no one would be stupid enough to face your mate to get to you."

Warrick turned at her words, his eyes fading back to his normal color. He raced forward and dropped to his knees, and very gently, he pulled Avery away from Kari.

When Avery looked down at him, they were almost the same height. Warrick took both of his hands and kissed them. "I swear to you, I swear I will not let anyone hurt you." Avery just nodded. He lifted their hands up and began rubbing his cheek across Warrick's knuckles. Warrick looked at Kari as if asking permission. She rolled her eyes and nodded.

Warrick stood, scooping Avery up into his arms. Only then did Avery's trembles begin to dissipate.

"What in the hell have you guys done now?" Doc asked, hurrying over.

Declan looked around confused. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a camera. He reached to his belt and grabbed his walkie-talkie. "Menace, did you send Doc?"

"Sure did, Simba," Meryn's voice came back.

"Thanks." He knelt beside Doc who began evaluating Andre's injuries. "I think he got his brain rattled a bit."

"What did you do hit him with, a steel bat?" Doc asked.

Declan jerked his thumb toward Warrick. "No, he punched him."

Doc looked all the way up, taking in Warrick's height. He turned to Declan. "Next time, you hit him with the bat; it might do less damage. Is this the DuBois boy?" he asked.

"Yep," Declan said grinning.

"Great. Just great." Doc looked around and stood. "You and you"--he pointed to Etain and Micah--"get this blockhead to the holding cells."

"Holding cell? Not the infirmary?" Declan asked also standing.

Doc shook his head. "I think he will be better off next to his father; he isn't dying or anything."

Declan grinned openly as Etain grabbed the back of Andre's collar, and Micah grabbed his pant legs. "Thank you for coming."