"How did you know where I was?" she asked.

"Meryn," Law, Rex, Magnus, and Declan replied at once.

"Miraculous little midget," Kari whispered.

"I'm not a midget," Meryn protested as she walked down the hallway with Aiden.

"I did say you were miraculous too," Kari pointed out.

Meryn eyed the blackened room, looking a bit shocked.

"There was a fire just as you predicted," Law said. "So empathy and premonition. What a delightful little enigma you are, Meryn."

She shrugged. "That sounds like something Kendrick would say."

Law shrugged lazily. "Of course, he thinks like I do."

True to his word, Declan didn't let her out of his sight. In fact, he didn't even let her feet touch the floor for the rest of the afternoon. He walked around with her in his arms. Aiden or Adriel gave the order, and the unit warriors dispersed, searching for Marcus.

"How the hell is he getting around the city?" Declan growled.

Adriel winced. "We have been running lifts up and down the transport tunnel all afternoon for the families on the lower levels to come up to Level Six. Since it acts as a platform, anyone could have gotten on."

"Ferals smell, do they not?" Kari asked. "People would have known they were standing next to one, right?"

Aiden and Adriel exchanged uneasy glances. "Not necessarily," Aiden volunteered. "They have a new device that allows them to walk unnoticed in a crowd."

"What? That is impossible." Kari felt fear swirl around her heart.

Magnus shook his head. "I will get you up to speed later."

They stayed long enough for the fair to begin wrapping up. Making their excuses, everyone returned to Level One. Avery refused to leave her side and hadn't stopped shaking since she had told him what happened. Warrick sat on the other side of Avery gently rubbing his back.

Only when Kari was safely ensconced on Magnus' antechamber sofa with Avery and Warrick, did Declan allow himself to walk away. He and Law were in the corner discussing how they were going to find Marcus.

Emeric looked like his puppy had been killed in front of him. He kept shooting her guilty looks. She crooked her finger, and he walked over to sit in the chair beside her.

"Cher, I am so sorry," he stared down at his folded hands in his lap.

"Do not be," she said quickly. "It was not your fault." Law looked over, still scowling. She stuck her tongue out at him. "You did as I asked you to do. You are trained to follow my orders because I set priority, and in the moment, that man's life mattered more than me going down to get bandages. So it is not your fault Emeric. You did exactly as you were trained."

"More men will be arriving soon to assist," Rex volunteered. "There will be more than enough people here to protect the ladies."

"So now we have two ferals running around the city," Bethy whispered, her eyes fearful.

Gavriel held her close. "We will find him."

"I found the fucker!" Meryn crowed suddenly startling everyone.

Immediately, all eyes were on her. Standing behind Meryn, Nigel and Neil high-fived each other as Meryn continued to tap away on her laptop.

"That's impossible," Law protested. He stalked over to see what she was doing.

"No it's not; it's technology. You know, the thing you suck at?" A tiny finger pointed to a small white face on the screen. "Level Six, he's trying to blend in, but I'm using facial recognition software. I pulled his picture from the profile that Kari has on her company employee page. In fact, if you take a walkie-talkie, I can tell you if he moves."

Aiden threw Law a walkie-talkie, and he and Declan ran out the door. Kari and Avery stood and walked up behind Meryn. It wasn't a minute later that, using the camera surveillance, they saw Law and Declan running through Level Six. The people, seeing them coming, quickly got out of the way.

Marcus reached into a pocket to grab something, and Declan tackled him. Law was there not a second later and cast a spell. Marcus was now immobile.