"I've never had a mess like that before."

"You are welcome," she said and then yawned. Declan smiled and climbed back into bed with her. He dug out his phone from his pocket set an alarm.

"You must like naps," Kari said, closing her eyes. "This is your second one in two days."

He grunted. "We've had an eventful two days," he protested. He pulled her close, his nose rubbing the back of her neck. Smiling, she knew she wouldn't be awake much longer when he started to purr. She could see why Meryn liked having Declan to sleep with; he was better than any chamomile tea.


When the alarm went off, they smiled at each other as they got ready for lunch. She washed her face and made sure her hair wasn't sticking up in every direction. They left the laboratory infirmary and headed to Magnus' living quarters.

"Are you sure it is okay for us to eat lunch here? I mean, I know that he is my boss, but I thought only royals were supposed to be on Level One."

"Well, there's a lot going on right now, so he's been meeting with Adriel, Aiden, and Bethy. I think he'd want you there to help with planning, which means I get invited since I'm your mate." He looked down at her with a boyish grin.

"You seem particularly happy about that. You also seem to be forgetting you have accepted an advisory role, so they may want you there too."

"Have you tasted Sebastian's cooking? I think I've eaten better in the past two days than I have in probably the past six years."

They walked in, and Magnus jumped up out of his chair. "Thank the gods you are well! When I heard what happened, I feared the worst."

Kari held up her hand. "I am doing much better. Declan allowed me to feed." Magnus nodded his understanding and kissed her cheek. "Please sit. We were just going over what we have lined up for the rest of today."

She watched as Rex looked over at his brother. Seeing Declan's goofy smile, he began to visibly relax.

Magnus opened up his portfolio and looked down his at his legal pad. "Kari has lined up a few interviews later for Declan. I have been called into a meeting with the full council, and I have asked Aiden to join me." He paused and looked up. "Kari, I think it would be a good idea if you were to sit in on the interviews with Declan."

Beth nodded. "That is a wonderful idea, Uncle."

"Why?" Declan asked.

"It might make some of the women more comfortable to speak if another woman is in the room," Magnus explained. "Plus, it will fulfill a sense of propriety about them being alone in a closed room with a man. Some were reluctant to leave their mates with Micah in the room, but were comfortable with the idea of a mated pair asking the questions."

Declan snorted. "That's archaic. Are they afraid Micah being in the same room would besmirch their mate's honor?"

Adriel shrugged. "That is the world we live in right now, the one we are trying to change."

Aiden turned to Magnus. "What can I expect from the council?"

"There is me as the vampire Elder of course," Magnus began. "Then we have Rex here as shifter Elder. Dagda Vi'Ilsimir is our fae Elder, and Alastair Primrose is the witch Elder. Dagda is a good man; we get along. He has a mate and a young child. His eldest, and the reason why the council moved to the city, is training to be a warrior in Éire Danu. I know Dagda expects great things of him."

Aiden nodded. "I've heard of them both. I know that they've worked with my father on many occasions."

Magnus flipped a page and was about to begin speaking again when the door flew open, and a tall, lanky man with dark brown hair and wild expression entered the room. His hazel eyes zeroed in on Bethy. "You're pregnant!" he screeched.

Her face lit up, and she jumped up out of her chair. "Tarragon!" She raced around the table, and just as she was about to reach him, her foot caught one of the chairs legs, and she lurched forward. Both Tarragon and Kuruk caught her before she hit the floor. Tarragon began to shake uncontrollably. "You're pregnant! What are we going to do?" he howled in despair.

Tarak walked up behind him to help prop him up. "It will be okay. We can get through this," he said encouragingly.

Bethy wrapped her arms around the twitchy man's neck and hugged him close. "It's so good to have you home, Tarragon."

He returned her hug, a gentle smile on his face. He pulled back and looked her in the eyes. "You're well?" He looked over her, confused. "You're not in the process of healing, there's no bruises?" Perplexed, he looked around.

Gavriel cleared his throat, and all eyes went to him. He waved at Tarragon.

Tarragon's face cleared. "Ah, yes. You're mated now, I remember. He looks like the kinda chap that can keep you from harm. Maybe this won't be so bad. I've learned a lot more healing spells, but if I had known you were pregnant..." his voice trailed off.

Tarak chuckled. "We would have never seen you again. You would have been holed up in some dusty library in Storm Keep, looking up spells for infants."