"Declan, thank you," she said quietly.

"You're welcome. Know that I am sharing these apples with you because you're my mate," he joked, eating another ring.

"No, thank you for being my mate. For worrying about me and spending your afternoon with me just so I would not be alone."

A frown creased his forehead. "How long were you on your own?" he asked.

"Over one hundred years, until I found Avery ten years ago."

"I thought you said you had an adopted brother."

"I do. He checks in on me from time to time. He did not like that I was all alone, but I was stubborn." She

felt her eyelids get heavier.

He set the knife and apples aside. "I'll let you get some rest," he stood.

"Do not go," she said, practically pleading. "Stay with me and keep the nightmares away."

He froze before immediately moving toward the bed. He walked around to the other side of the bed and lifted the covers. He got in carefully, taking care not to hurt her arm, and spooned their bodies together. "You would heal if you fed," he offered in a husky voice.

She hesitated. "Feedings can be very sexual when it is right from the source. Given the way I feel about you--" she turned slowly, wincing a bit at the pain in her arm. She looked up at him "Are you sure?"

"You need blood, and I've got plenty. I'm a big boy, my love; I can handle you," he assured her.

She licked her lips, and he swallowed hard. "You are a very big boy."

He preened at her words before his look became serious. "Kari, it is my right and my duty to provide for you; I offer all of myself to you."

She inhaled sharply. She had never expected to hear those words. In truth, she had never thought she would ever find a mate. "I am so thankful to Fate. I do not know what I have done to deserve such an honorable and kind man like you, but I will always be thankful for Her gift."

She heard his breath catch. "You're wrong, my love; it is I who does not deserve you. I can only pray I live up to whatever expectation Fate may have of me to have been paired with you for eternity."

She tried to pull herself up to reach his neck. When he saw her struggling, he simply scooted down. She licked his neck, and his body shuddered. Moving swiftly, she bit down at the same time she shoved her uninjured hand down the front of his pants. She felt blood fill his cock, hardening it under her touch. He shouted out her name, and she rubbed her thumb over the sensitive head. He blew like a geyser, and for a moment, Kari regretted that she wasn't able to taste it, but his blood was more than enough to satisfy her. His blood on her tongue was even better than chocolate covered cherries with coffee.

The potency of it tantalized her senses like a fine, aged liquor. She drank until she felt her bones begin to mend, and then regretfully, she pulled from his neck. She licked the holes and then sat back. Declan's eyes were wild and his breathing erratic. "What did you just do to me?" he asked.

She looked at him confused, but then realized her other hand was still down his pants. The entire front his groin was covered in that sticky substance she had enjoyed earlier. "Have you been coming this whole time?" she asked bringing up her fingers to lick them clean. She sighed happily, it tasted better than she remembered.

He swallowed hard; his lips were dry from where he'd been breathing through his mouth. "Yeah," he said, his voice hoarse.

Fighting back a giggle at his befuddled expression, she rolled on to her back and pointed across the room. "You should go wash up," she suggested smiling.

He shook his head. "I can't move, don't want to move, want to stay here forever," he panted.

"Well, at least get your pants off. When that dries, you will be one big itch."

Groaning, he swung his legs over the bed. When he started to stand, his legs didn't support him, and he fell to the floor.

"Are you okay?" she asked, laughing. Before she could get up to help, he was already pulling himself up.

"Don't you dare move out of that bed," he threatened. "Doc said you were to stay there until lunch."

"I fed. Look." She undid the sling and flexed her arm.

"Wonderful, now stay in that bed." On shaky legs he went into the attached bathroom, and she heard the water run for a few moments. A minute later he came out and gave her a flat look.
