"You have the people's trust." Rex sighed. "They respect me, and that's good; I am an Elder here, but they trust you. They care for you. That is why I get frustrated that you are being underutilized. You could do so much more for them in an advisory role instead of just being a grunt."

Aiden and Adriel cleared their throats at the same time. Rex nodded his head in their direction without looking their way. "My apologies," he said in an obligatory fashion before continuing. "Declan, do you do anything during the day that challenges you?" he asked. "Patrolling here can't be that stimulating. You may have these people fooled, Declan Lionhart, but don't ever forget that I am your older brother. I watched your mind take shape, and I know exactly how smart you are. Why you felt it necessary to become a warrior I'll never know. When did it become shameful to help your people as an Elder?" He raised an eyebrow at Declan.

Her mate shrugged. "When did it become permissible for the Council to live outside of the pillar city they served?" Declan challenged in return.

Rex winced. "That wasn't entirely my decision. The fae elder brought the idea forward. He could live here if he were on his own, but he has a mate and children. At the time, their firstborn needed the sun, and we did not want to separate the family. Magnus obviously could stay here as a vampire and their prince, so yes, we set up the council estate. It has helped the city in ways the city's founders would never imagine. We have access to the human city for commerce and supplies, but we can be here in a matter of moments through the portal."

"But it does set you up away from them," Bethy interjected. "The people feel like you don't care."

Magnus rubbed his jaw. "I understand why the fae and even the witches like to be above ground, and I agree that having a council estate is probably a good idea. There have been many times when having the council separate from the city has played in our favor." He paused a moment. "What if we created something like the Royal Gardens in the council quarters here on Level One. We could install

crystals in the ceiling to mimic the daytime sun and the nighttime stars. We do not have the fresh air you would get being topside, but they could get some sunshine."

Rex blinked. "You would be willing to do that?"

"Of course. I am willing to do anything that would help create a united front for the people to see. I would have done so ages ago, had it come up."

"But it did," Rex said, looking confused. "I wrote up the proposal myself suggesting something similar and left it with your office."

Magnus turned in Kari's direction. "Cheryl strikes again?" he asked, his voice tight.

Kari thought about it. "Magnus, I do believe there is a fine line between incompetency and sabotage. One is deliberate, but both can result in disaster."

Magnus cursed under his breath. "Thank the gods you found your way to us, Kari." He turned his attention to Declan. "So what exactly have you been trained in?"

Declan said nothing, and Kari elbowed him in the ribs. "There is no shame in who you are, Declan. I am finding this political side of you very sexy," she admitted.

His head snapped around as he turned to look at her. "Really?" he asked.

She nodded. "Smart is very, very sexy." She lifted her hand from his and tickled his upper thigh.

Declan turned to Magnus. "I have several degrees that may help."

Rex gave such an exaggerated eye roll that his head tilted. "Declan has degrees in political science, criminal justice, business law, and he speaks at least 25 languages. Recently, he received his MBA, a degree in foreign law, and for fun I believe, he challenged himself and studied human history." He turned to his brother. "How is your project going on documenting paranormal history as it clashed with the human world?" Rex gave Declan a sardonic salute.

Magnus and Adriel exchanged looks. Adriel tapped the table; even Kari could see he was becoming agitated. "You mean to tell me you have been running patrols for the past gods knows how many years when you have that education?" Adriel demanded.

Magnus scowled blackly. "I could have used your expertise! Do you know how many times I wished for at least one competent person around me?" he ranted, throwing his hands up in the air.

Declan winced. "I don't like politics. I have always enjoyed learning, so sharing what I have studied would be no hardship." He looked at Adriel. "And I like patrols. I like getting out and talking to people and getting to know their problems."

A little bit of understanding filled Rex's eyes, and he smiled. "When was last time you went home?"

Declan shrugged.

"Home?" Meryn asked.

"Ever since the end of the Great War, the Lionharts have called Éire Danu our home. Lions do well in the sun, so it is a very good fit for our pride. My father serves as the Shifter Elder, and our youngest brother Ari serves as second in command to Royal Consort Brennus Vi'Eirlea. Our family seat has always been in Éire Danu.

Meryn snapped her fingers. "That's why you came here. Declan went from Éire Danu to Noctem Falls, and you knew he would be have issues adjusting."

Rex shrugged. "He is my little brother; of course I had concerns, though he did adjust admirably well for a shifter," he said proudly.

Magnus eyed Declan. "Would you consider an advisory role?" Magnus asked. "You could stay with the Eta Unit and assist Adriel as he will be taking on more responsibility."

Adriel blinked. "I will?" he asked. Eva chuckled at her mate's expression.

Magnus ignored him and continued speaking to Declan. "I do believe that you will be better utilized in that capacity. It would be a waste of your intelligence not to do more."