It took Bethy's gentle coaxing with the promise of coffee to get Meryn to let go. When they finally had her disengaged, he carried her out of the room, kissing her forehead.

Ryuu nodded and gave her a half bow. "I will settle young Avery in his room." He and Bethy walked behind Aiden. The entire time, Bethy assured Meryn that she had another cup of coffee waiting for her in the dining room.

When the room was finally quiet, Declan opened an amber eye and the air around him shimmered. When he shifted back to human, Kari felt her mouth go dry. He was all golden skin and muscle.

He stretched his body, easily touching the head and footboard. "You keep looking at me like that and we'll miss dinner."

He sat up and looked around. His eyes went to where a robe was draped over the chair at the end of the bed. Smiling he swung his legs over the side and stood in front of her in all his naked glory.

Her eyes went to his stomach. She reached out and began to trace his abdomen. "There is no scar," she said, and his eyes softened.

"I'm okay. You know us shifters are hard to take down."

He pulled the robe on and held out his hand. "Hopefully someone left clothes for me in my room, otherwise dinner will be a drafty affair." He winked at her saucily.

"All I kept thinking when I saw you hurt was that I had only just met you; losing you and not even knowing you would have been too much."

Declan took her hand. "You're stuck with me now."

She couldn't meet his eyes. She didn't know how to react. She had been scared to death, and he was acting as if he had stubbed his toe.

Hand in hand they walked across the hall to his room. Unfortunately there were no clothes in sight. She chuckled at the thought of him going to dinner in his robe.

He smirked at her. "You think I'm kidding? I'm starving!" He waved his hands wildly causing the robe to gap in the middle. She licked her lips at the sight of his tawny skin.

Growling, he suddenly picked her up and tossed her on to his bed. He carelessly let the robe fall to the floor and strode up to the edge of the bed. In a flash he had pulled her down to the mattress and slid her underneath him. When his lips met hers, she couldn't hold back. The desperation and fear she'd felt came forward. She wanted to stay like this with him forever. As he deepened the kiss, she let her hands move across his skin. It was hot and smooth under her touch; she couldn't get enough. When they broke apart, Kari was breathing hard. "That was the best kiss of my life," she admitted.

He leaned forward and began to kiss his way down her neck. "Mine too," he whispered. "We definitely have chemistry."

Grinning, she shifted her hips, and he hissed in pleasure as his hardening bulge began to rub against her mound. Even though she was still clothed she could feel the heat of his skin and it was maddening. She started squirming, reaching for the pleasure that seemed just out of reach. "Looks as if the little guy wants to meet me again."

He stopped and looked down

at her frowning. "Little?" His eyes narrowed. "I'll show you little," he threatened darkly.

There was a knock at the door seconds before it swung open. Grant walked in, and his eyes widened. Looking shocked, he held up a bundle. "Your clothes."

Declan hissed. "Mine!" he growled, before he bit down on her neck. All at once, pleasure exploded throughout her body. It was as if his bite was connected to every erogenous zone, igniting them all at once. She arched her back and wrapped her legs around him, pulling him close to the juncture between her thighs. She rode out the uncontrollable orgasm as long as she could before she collapsed back onto the bed, barely able to catch her breath. When she turned her head toward the door, poor Grant look shell shocked. "Shit! I'm of course... I'm just... I'm good... going...I meant going!" he rambled. Dropping the clothes he ran from the room.

Kari rotated her head to stare at her mate. "Okay, what was that?" she asked, still panting.

He groaned and buried his face where her neck and shoulder met. He gently began lapping at the bite mark. She moaned at each pass of his tongue on her neck, feeling it tease her clit. She pushed at his shoulders to get him to stop, any more and she wouldn't leave the bed... ever.

He pulled back, looking a bit guilty, though his eyes held a deep sense of satisfaction. "Sorry about that. Lions are very possessive, and they like to show others that their mates belong only to them. You belong to me, and my lion didn't like the fact that Grant could see you flushed with pleasure from our kiss. The bite was to show him that you are mine, and I can make you happy." He looked down at her concern showing on his face. "Are you okay? Did it hurt?"

She cracked her neck. "I so needed that. It took the edge off. Evidently I was more stressed than I realized." She pushed his chest until he rolled to one side. She sat up and stretched her arms overhead.

Despite her words, he still had a worried look on his face. She swung her legs to the side and got up. She walked over to the door and picked his clothes up off the floor. "Declan, I am a vampire. I like to bite and to be bitten." She could almost see the light bulb going off over his head.

He leered at her. "Come back here, sexy."

She shook her head. "You need to clean up. I am going to see if Bethy needs help with Meryn." She stretched again. "I feel fantastic!"

Declan whimpered, and she shot him a sultry look. "My poor lion. I will not leave you hanging. Doc said no extracurricular activity, so try not to move." He nodded eagerly. "Lay back," she ordered. His eyes grew wide, and he immediately complied. She walked toward him, swaying her hips. He watched every single movement, his eyes shifting to a dark honey color. She slowly got on the bed and settled between his legs. Without warning, she leaned over and swallowed him completely down.

"Oh gods!" he shouted. She continued to work his long length in her throat. Using her hollowed cheeks to create suction, she worked his shaft. When she pulled back, she teased the slit at the tip of his cock and then swallowed him back down. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him twisting the sheets in his hands. When she reached up and pulled on his sac, she heard a ripping sound and saw that he had sent his claws through both the sheets and the mattress.

Reveling in the power she was wielding over his body, she took a chance. She turned her head and sunk her fangs into the thick vein that snaked its way up the side of his cock. Shouting incoherently, he came. The taste of him was amazing. It was unlike anything she'd ever had before. It was tart at first, then sweet. The creamy mixture as satisfying as melted chocolate and just as addictive. She knew she would never get enough of him.