Rex walked right up to them and greeted Magnus. "Prince Magnus," he said shortly.

Magnus nodded "Elder Lionhart," he replied just as brusquely.

Rex growled low in his throat, his impatience belying him. "I don't have time for niceties; I'm here to see my brother."

Magnus inclined his head, a small grin on his lips. "Of course, but allow me to be the one to introduce you to your new sister." He stepped back and motioned to Kari. "Rex Lionhart, I would like you to meet Kari Delaney, Declan's mate." Rex's head snapped to her so quickly she thought he'd hurt himself. A wide, warm smile changed his face completely, and without hesitation, he pulled her into a huge hug, squeezing her so tightly she thought her spine might snap. He swung her around, laughing before he lowered her to the floor. "A mate? My brother? By the gods! It's about time. I can't wait to get to know you better, but if you're like me, I bet you're just dying to see him too."

Kari nodded. "Yes. Yes, actually, I am."

Rex bowed regally and offered her his arm. "Well then pretty lady, if you would escort me to Level One to where my brother is, maybe we could both see him."

"I guess I am just chopped liver now," Magnus mused.

Rex's expression became puzzled. "You normally don't speak like this. You're usually so formal I fight the urge to stick you with a pin. What has changed you?"

Magnus glanced around and then indicated the transport tunnel. "I have much to tell you, maybe later, once we are in my office."

Rex nodded his understanding, and the three of them made their way down the tunnel and back to Level One. Kari was so nervous she didn't know what to do. She hadn't even thought about in-laws, and here she was standing next to a new brother. Magnus knocked on the door, and they walked in.

The doctor sat in a chair beside the bed making notes on a form on the clipboard in his lap.

Declan opened his eyes and smiled. "My mate. You're just as beautiful as I remember. For a moment I feared I had dreamt you." He jerked his thumb to the healer. "The doctor assured me that you were real, but I wanted to see for myself."

Kari blushed. "It is nice to be able to speak with you when you are not drugged."

Declan winced and rubbed his stomach. "I'm getting better," he joked.

Kari rolled her eyes. "You would be a Monty Python fan."

He shrugged. "Blame Colton Albright; he introduced me to the movies. Why don't you come over here and sit next to me," he suggested, patting the bed.

Kari walked over to him, and instead of sitting on the side of the bed, she sat in the chair on the other side of the bed opposite the doctor. Declan practically turned onto his side to face her. His whole face was lit up with a smile that hadn't diminished since they'd walked through the door.

"I can't believe the gods have given me such an angel."

A throat cleared.

"And gods, the smell!" he continued, taking a deep breath.

The throat cleared again.

"So tell me all about yourself," Declan asked, ignoring Rex.

Rex stepped to the foot of the bed. "Nice of you to welcome your brother," he criticized.

Declan gave his brother a sidelong glance. "Hello Rex, how are you?" he asked dutifully. When Declan turned his attention back to Kari, Rex put his hand under the sheet. Seconds later, Declan yowled loudly.

The doctor dropped his clipboard, and he stood, fuming. "What are you doing to my patient?" he demanded.

Rex brushed off his fingers on his suit, and in the light, small golden hairs drifted toward the floor. "Just getting his attention," he informed the agitated healer.

Declan pulled his leg up and began rubbing it. "You ripped out my leg hairs."

Rex gave his brother the evil eye. "Not all of them; quit being such a baby."

Kari covered her mouth with her hand to hide her smile. Even if their looks didn't announce to everyone that they were siblings, their actions definitely would. "Is that all you have to say to your brother who came here to see how you were doing?" Rex asked.

Declan lowered his leg. "I'm fine."