Avery nodded, but Kari shook her head. She gently pushed Avery out in front of her, handing him the walkie-talkie. "Take care of your new friends. I still have work to do in Magnus' office, plus I would like to actually speak with my mate sometime today without him being drugged to the gills."

Avery took a step, then spun on his heel and threw himself at her. She hugged him tight. "Love you, Kari," he whispered.

"Love you too, kiddo. Go relax and help those two smile again, yeah?"

Avery pulled back. "Right!"

Kari met Sebastian's eyes. He winked then nodded. Feeling better now that the squire was watching out for her brother, she began to retrace her steps, heading back to the office where she would be spending most of her time.


Kari opened the door to Magnus' office; both men looked absolutely exhausted. When they started to rise, she waved them back into their seats. "So I take it from your

expressions that the phone call with Rex Lionhart went well?" Kari stepped into the room and shut the door behind her.

Aiden groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. "He handled it about as well as I would have if it had been my younger brother hurt."

Magnus nodded. "I cannot imagine receiving a phone call like that about Caspian."

Kari cocked her head to one side. "Is your walkie-talkie turned off," she asked Aiden.

Aiden's eyes narrowed. "Why?"

Kari took a deep breath. "Meryn had..." she paused, unsure how to explain what happened. "An episode earlier. She found out that Doctor Who is no longer on Netflix and didn't handle it well." Kari watched as every ounce of color drained from Aiden's face.

He stood suddenly. "I have to go to her." His eyes darted around the room. "I need Bart! Bart would know what to do."

"Who is Bart?" Magnus asked.

"He is an old human that runs the store near Lycaonia. He is an expert in all things female."

Magnus smiled. "He sounds like an extraordinary human."

Aiden stepped from around the desk and headed toward the door. He stopped then turned to Magnus. "Is there a place to buy chocolate here?" he asked.

Magnus nodded, pointing a finger up to the ceiling. "Level Six, look for Pierre. He deals strictly with imported chocolate."

Aiden exhaled in relief as the air whooshed from his lungs. "Chocolate fixes everything," he said seriously and then opened the door and left.

"I truly think he believes that," Kari said, more to herself than anything. Magnus chuckled. "Chocolate will help a man like that go a long way," he joked.

"Magnus, I hate to ask, but is there any way that I could visit Declan?" Kari did not want to give the impression that she did not want her new position, but everything in her had been fighting to go see Declan from the moment she had left his side. Surely, by now, he had to be out of surgery.

Magnus stood. "Of course, you are not a prisoner here. In fact, if you can wait a moment, I would like you to come with me to greet Rex when he arrives. The three of us can visit Declan together."

Kari let out the breath she didn't know she was holding. "That would be wonderful."

Magnus walked over to her and placed a hand on either shoulder. "Kari, I know that a lot has been thrown at you today, and you have handled it beautifully. Whatever you need, do not be afraid to ask. I know exactly how large a gift you are from Fate, not only to Declan, but to me as well. I believe that you are desperately needed in the city, especially now."

His sincere praise had her smiling. "Thank you, Magnus."

Magnus lowered his hands and smiled. "It is the least I could do for someone who is going to help me run the city."

Kari gave him an evil grin and wagged her finger back and forth. "Oh, I am not going to be running the city." He looked at her, puzzled. "I will be running you." She patted his cheek when he groaned. "Buck up, I have not killed anyone...yet." She winked at him.

He threw his head back and laughed. He straightened and offered her his arm. She accepted, and they left the office together and headed to Level Six.

Kari could've picked Rex Lionhart out of a thousand people; he looked that much like his brother.