‘I’ve heard of people enjoying a cigarette afterwards, but tea? Typical of Matt, though. Is that really what you like, or is it just that with Matt you feel safe because you’re the boss?’

When Briony didn’t speak he gritted at her, ‘My God, what are you trying to do? Prove to me that I’m not the only man who can father a child on you? Well, if that’s the case, I’d better make sure that we’ll never know who is responsible for the second one!’

He reached for her before she could stop him, palms flat against the wall, trapping her against it, his eyes shredding her defences.

‘Kieron, you don’t understand. Matt.…’ she protested, but he wasn’t listening, his eyes curiously blind as he picked her up and moved determinedly towards the stairs, ruthlessly pinioning her wrists as she attempted to struggle free.

‘I don’t want to know,’ he said thickly as they reached the landing. Her bedroom was closest and he kicked open the door, dropping her on the bed and pinning her there with the full weight of his body, one hand coolly parting her robe while the other held her flailing arms captive.

‘Does he look at you like this?’ he demanded huskily, his eyes drinking in the sight of her pale flesh. ‘God, I’d almost forgotten!’ The words died away as he bent and unerringly found the small mole beneath her breast. Her heart pounded frantically at the touch of his lips, small panting sobs torn from her throat as he moved upwards caressing the swelling flesh above the mole, his tongue tormenting the hardening nipple until she was ready to scream with frustration, the effort of lying completely still beneath the tantalising assault draining every last ounce of self-control, the sight of Kieron’s dark head, where Nicky’s had so often rested, sending slow waves of treacherous pleasure washing over her.

‘Did his caresses arouse you?’ Kieron muttered hoarsely. ‘Or were you as cold with him as you are with me? I’m not cold, Briony, I’m burning up with wanting you. Can’t you feel it?’ He released her hands and placed one of them against the heated, damp flesh of his chest, groaning when her fingers trembled against his skin. His mouth fastened on her breast in possession and she was overwhelmed with an urge to stroke the dark hair, burying her fingers in its silky warmth, her flesh melting with the exquisite pain of his touch. He looked up at her suddenly, his skin flushed and damp, and it was too late to veil the betraying expression in her own eyes.

‘Oh, God, Briony!’

His mouth burned against her, tasting every inch of her skin, his hands urging hers against his body as he shrugged out of his shirt and trousers, the hard warmth of his thigh, shadowed with dark, silky hairs, shockingly masculine as it forced hers to part.

The blood was drumming in her ears, her head thrown back against the pillows, her body shuddering convulsively as his lips grazed her throat, feathering tiny, tormenting kisses from jaw to lips which parted on a soft moan to plead his possession.

The first time she heard Nicky cry it didn’t register, and it was only when Kieron went still that she realised what the sound was.

‘Nicky,’ she said in a voice that trembled unsteadily, completely unable to meet Kieron’s eyes. What on earth had possessed her? She could think of no logical or valid excuse for her behaviour. It seemed that Kieron merely had to touch her to have her acting completely out of character.

‘You’d better go to him,’ he told her coolly. ‘Weren’t you lucky? Another few seconds and it would have been too late.’

She hated the way he lay watching her as she pulled on her robe, and keeping her back to him she said fiercely:

‘Matt only came to talk to me. We didn’t.…’

‘You didn’t what?’ he jeered. ‘Make love? Do you think I don’t know that? You might be able to freeze out your mind, Briony, but your body is in revolt. It wanted me, even if you don’t.’

‘I’m not Gail!’ she flung at him, sliding off the bed, crying with fear as his fingers fastened round her wrist, jerking her back.

‘And just what does that mean?’ he demanded dangerously.

‘Exactly what you thought.’ She refused to be intimidated. ‘I rang the flat the other night and Gail answered.’

‘And my puritan of a wife immediately leapt to the conclusion that because we were in the flat we must also be in bed. You couldn’t be more wrong. Gail had come to see me about a problem she’s been having at work, that’s all.’

He released her smoothly, and Briony was sure she glimpsed satisfaction beneath the smile he gave her.

By the time she had comforted Nicky, who had been having a bad dream, Kieron was back downstairs, lounging in the kitchen as though nothing at all untoward had occurred.

‘Fancy sunbathing?’ he invited lazily. ‘With your skin it might be as well if you got used to the sun a little in readiness.’

‘In readiness for what?’ Briony demanded sharply, annoyed with herself for letting him force her into a reaction.

‘Didn’t I tell you? That’s why I’ve been working so hard lately, so that we can have a proper holiday.’

‘I’m not going away with you,’ she announced instantly. ‘Go on your own, or take Gail with you.’

To her chagrin he shook with laughter.

‘Oh, I don’t think I could do that. You see, we’re going to stay with my godmother, and I’ve already told her that my wife’s a redhead. Of course, Nicky and I can always go alone.’

‘You can’t!’

‘Try me,’ he invited softly. ‘Nicky and I are going whether you go or not. All the arrangements are made. I’ve booked the ferry. We leave next Wednesday.’