“Winsome, I swear on every grave of every dead relative that I have, if you don’t get the fuck out of here within the next two minutes, I’m going to beat the living daylights out of you.”

“Jemistry, this is silly. Where am I supposed to go?”

“I don’t give a damn. Out of all the people you’re fucking, at least one of them should have a sofa for you to crash on. Or you can just get in their bed and spread your legs like you always do. Tell them that you’ll fuck for three hots and a cot.”

“Are you really going to put me out of here?” Winsome asked.

“Are you really going to wait around and find out if I’ll maim you?”

Winsome went into her bedroom.

I tried to reason with Jemistry. “All of this started because I discussed moving in together earlier and she flipped.”

Jemistry turned and looked me in the eyes. “I can’t deal with this right now. I need time.”


“I’ll be back tomorrow morning.” Winsome had put on a pair of tennis shoes and grabbed her purse. “By then, everything should be back to normal.”

“Back to normal? How about you kiss my entire ass? Let’s get something straight right now. We’re no longer going to be roommates. I decided to share a home with a friend, not a backstabbing whore.”

Winsome stood there, tapping her right foot, and staring up at the ceiling.

“I’m not sure what happened between the two of you, but it’s clear as a damn bell that it shouldn’t have ever happened. You’re so hurt and lonely that you want me to wallow in the shit pool of pity with you. Well, I’m not doing it another day.”

“You do realize that I could call the police because you assaulted me, right?” Winsome asked and then smirked. “My face tells the story.”

“Yeah, you can call the police and by the time they get here, there’ll be bruises all over your body. If I’m getting locked up, I’m going to make it worth my time.”

The smirk quickly disappeared from Winsome’s face. Both she and I realized that what Jemistry had said made a lot of sense. That damn Virgo was analyzing and plotting. If she was going to get arrested, she was going to cause more damage on her way there. I could

n’t argue with that logic.

Winsome didn’t say another word. She left out and slammed the front door.

Jemistry turned toward me. “Your turn.”

“I love you. You know that I love you.”

She went over and opened the door. “Please leave.”

“Not until we talk.”

“Look, Tevin, I’m not going to be the typical scorned woman, call the police, lie about you doing something to me, and then put you into the system with a restraining order. So many women do that, that when women really are in danger, people tend not to believe them.

“But I’m also not prepared to listen to any more of your lies tonight. It’s too painful. If you truly give even an inkling of a damn about me, you’ll leave. You’ll leave right now and let me start to begin healing.

“The good part—if there is a good part in this cesspool of pure fuckery—is that I’m out of school for the summer. I’m going to deal with getting Winsome the hell up out of here for good. I’m going to drown my sorrows with peanut butter cups and butter pecan ice cream. I’m going to try to understand why my judgment in men is so poor yet again.”

“There’s nothing wrong with your judgment, baby. Not this time. I promise you that—”

“There goes that word again. Promise! Blah, blah, blah.”

I realized that I was fighting a losing battle.

I walked toward the door and paused in front of her. She looked away from me. “You’re not even going to look at me?”

“No, it’s too hurtful.”