She broke the kiss and whispered, “I wish you could stay inside me forever.”

She grabbed my cuffed wrists for support and started riding me like there was no tomorrow, all the while allowing me access to her tits so I could suck them. She started speaking in tongues, literally. I had never heard any shit like that before. I had no idea that she even did that.

It was alarming and arousing at the same time. She let go of my wrists, grabbed her own breasts, and started motorboating them across my face. I licked and sucked, and licked and sucked, all the while we fucked. This woman had my nose wide open and that wasn’t about to change . . . ever.

* * *

Later on that night, we went out on the beach with a couple of large towels, found a secluded spot, and made love again.

The next morning I told Jemistry to rest while I took a run on the sand. But I really needed to take care of some business . . . and I did.

Chapter Sixteen

“Where there is love there is life.”

—Mahatma Gandhi

School was finally out for Jemistry and I decided to surprise her by cooking her dinner at her place. I had been over there several times to spend the night, but we rarely chilled there. She had a roommate and I didn’t so it made sense to spend the majority of our time at my place. I’d given her a key within two months of dating. My mind was already made up that I didn’t plan to see anyone else.

When we were flying back from the Caymans, I’d brought up the option of her actually moving in with me. She said that she didn’t want to leave Winsome hanging like that. Even though their lease was month-to-month, she explained that Winsome did not have the income to cover the rent on her own. I asked if there was someone else they knew who might room with her, but she knew of no one offhand. Everyone was already settled in someplace else. But if things went my way, eventually Winsome would have to find someone else to room with.

I decided to bring that up when I showed up at their place that afternoon. Jemistry was not home yet. They were having an end-of-year faculty party in the teachers’ lounge and she didn’t anticipate arriving home until after six. My day had been light—no surgeries—so I was able to get out of the hospital by two and head over there, stopping at Whole Foods on the way to pick up everything that I needed to prepare dinner.

“Damn, that smells good!” Winsome walked into the kitchen right as I was putting the Chilean sea bass on the indoor grill. “What all are you making?”

“I’m grilling some fish, making some jasmine rice, some baby bok choy with sweet peppers, and garlic sourdough bread. Then I’m finishing it with a crème brûlée.”

“Jemistry wasn’t joking. You can really cook.”

“I’m a master in the kitchen. You’re welcome to a plate when it’s done. There’s plenty.”

“Even if there wasn’t plenty, I was going to get some. I’ve been known to eat off Jemistry’s plate. There’s no shame in my game.”

I chuckled as I turned to face her. “Can you hand me that fresh rosemary over there?”

Winsome picked up the bunch of rosemary and brought it to me.

“Thanks,” I said as she handed it to me.

“You’re welcome.”

She sat down at the kitchen table. “I guess you and Jemistry will be spending a lot more time together since she’s out for the summer.”

“She’ll definitely have more free time, but hospitals never shut down. I do plan to take a couple of weeks’ vacation time so we can get away. She wants to go to Italy to take cooking lessons.” I started breaking up the rosemary and sticking sprigs into the fish. “As you can imagine, I’m as excited as she is about that.”

“Well, Jemistry definitely could benefit from cooking lessons, but don’t tell her I said that. She’s sensitive about her cooking.”

“Don’t I know it!” I paused for a few seconds and then went and sat across from Winsome at the table. “Since you brought up the topic, I do want to spend as much time with Jemistry as possible. It would be perfect if she could move in with me.”

It was like all of the air was suddenly sucked out of the room, like a scene from the movie Backdraft. The look on Winsome’s face told me that it was about to come back in and combust into flames.

“Move in with you?!” Winsome practically shouted. “But what about me?”

“Winsome, did you honestly think that you and Jemistry would be roommates until the end of days? We’re in love and she’s over my place at least four nights a week as it is.”

“And she’s here three nights a week,” Winsome said in defiance. “Ya’ll haven’t been dating long enough to move in together. And when did she say she loved you? She never told me that.”

Those words stung. She realized that if Jemistry was ready to admit to being in love, she would have told her about it. I refused to pay homage to her negative thoughts, though.