She had him so deep, he felt engulfed and let out a teeth-gritting moan. Everything she was doing to him orchestrated the massive orgasm building inside him.

“Nyrah, you got to stop … Nyrah!” he hissed.

But she just squeezed his ass and sucked him harder and deeper.

“Nyrah, I’ve got to come. I can’t hold it.”

Her answer was her mouth clamping onto his cock like an octopus. Pulsating him like a hundred little suction cups.

His jism roared through him like a high-speed freight train and shot into her mouth. He looked down to see her swallow his juice like she was drinking a Pepsi on a hot day, taking every bit of his thick hot sap, then stop to lick him clean.

He was still hard, and he knew why. He still wanted to be inside her. He would be able to fuck her for a long time now that he’d come. But was she up for it?

He stared at her, and the unspoken request made her do what he wanted. She lay back on the long table and opened her legs, her pussy wide and exposed. He moved forward but waited until she took hold of his dick and guided it in.

She was tight, a sign that no one had hit that sweetness in a while, but once he was in, there was room. She had muscles and she knew how to use them as she kneaded his dick like an award-winning masseuse on a reality show.

He moved inside her hard and deep, then yanked her sweatshirt aside and pulled her breasts out of the top of her nightgown, and just as he’d thought, her nipples were large and tight. He nibbled them with the tips of his teeth, and he could tell she liked that. He sucked them hard as he pummeled her pussy until finally she moaned his name. It sounded passionate and true coming from her lips, and he liked that.

Deeper and deeper he pushed into her flesh, making her take every inch of his cock, enjoying the way her hands roamed up and down his muscled arms almost like she needed him, wanted him.

Keeping his rhythm, he wondered what else he dared to do. Should I talk to her? Should I say things to her? He didn’t have to, because she did.

“Oh, yes, give me that sweet, thick cock. Push it in. Fuck me as hard as you want; just fuck me!”

Her husky voice that was now somewhere between Kathleen Turner’s and Kim Carnes’s of “Bette Davis Eyes” fame, made him slam into her even more.

“My cock needs your wet pussy,” he hissed back. “I want to lick you everywhere, up and down your legs, up to your ass, anything—everything you want, everything we want.”

It was nasty, it was wrong, he knew, but he couldn’t stop.

She answered by widening her raised legs, giving him access to every last bit of her.

He rocked inside her until they were both about to come.

She could feel him tense, ready to spill, and she pushed him off and sank down to take him once again in her mouth. She felt him stiffen, then moan in howling, pleasured ecstasy as she let his juice slide down her throat like smooth, melting ice.

• • •

Spent, he leaned back on the table, his breath still coming in bursts as she gulped in the night air. He looked at her as she began adjusting her clothes, picking up and balling her damp panties and shoving them into her jacket pocket.

“I didn’t mean for this to happen,” he said.

“It was a moment, it was just sex,” she said, picking up the discarded bats and turning to look at him. Her hazel eyes seemed a little sad to him but the tiny smile that curled her lips seemed to be saying, thank you.

When she turned and left the dugout and started toward her car, Jai ran behind her and caught her. He pulled her around and tried to kiss her, but she turned her face away.

“That’s personal and not part of what we just did.”

“No,” he said as he pushed his finger up her nightdress and gently circled her asshole. “This is part of what we just did. This …” he murmured, pressing his lips gently against hers, “is a kiss.” And he slipped his tongue gently into her mouth as his finger rimmed her.

Her lips were soft, her kiss sweet, and he knew it was not good-bye.

Twenty emotional moments later, each of them was in their own car as they headed out in different directions, to different houses on different streets. Their thoughts, however, remained on the same erotic road.

• • •

It was never going to be the same with anyone else for Jai. He realized it that night when he got home and his girl was still on the phone talking to her friend. He stared at her almost-perfect body. As she motioned for him to get her a bottle of water from the fridge, he knew that somewhere along their journey her affection for him had waned.