"Sir, are you okay?" a waiter asks, staring at me with wide eyes at my broken finger. His bright face changes to green, and quickly shuts his mouth to keep from puking. His eyes never leave my finger, despite the vile that’s I’m sure is forming in his throat. It’s like I’m a car crash on the side of the road that people can’t stop staring at once they start, despite how unsafe it is to stare.

“Does it fucking look like I'm okay?"

His face is now red as he stands there, wholly incompetent.

“Get me a Band-Aid, or preferably a first-aid kit. Now," I growl.

The boy runs off toward the restaurant’s kitchen. I have no clue if he's going to return or not. But he only has about a minute of my patience before I storm back there myself and find what I need.

He returns in a few seconds. He may be a fool, but at least he’s fast.

I plop the first aid kit down on the table and sit down, popping the lid open. I dig through it, throwing band-aids aside, not caring about the mess I’m creating on the floor until I find the gauze and tape I am searching for.

I tape my pinky to my ring finger for support, ensuring that my little finger is aligned correctly and not flopping around everywhere.

"You should have a doctor examine that," the waiter says, turning green again.

I glare at him as I stand and he shuts up. At least I’m still able to intimidate him.

I thought Eden would come with me easily. I thought a simple threat would be enough to convince her to do whatever I wanted. I was wrong. This requires a more thorough plan.

I start walking out of the restaurant, ignoring the disgusting smell wafting off the food and the cheap wine sitting on every table. I have to steal this woman for no other reason than to show her what first class food and superior wine is.

Focus. I need a plan. I didn't bring backup. I didn't think I would require assistance. I wouldn’t use it if I had it. This is personal. I want to do this alone.

I walk outside and down the sidewalk the three blocks to my car. Eden creeps into my mind as I walk.

I was dumbfounded by how similar her appearance is to Nina when she opened the door to her condo. So astounded, I thought she was Nina for a second. Her skin is the same olive color. Her hair long, dark, and straight. Her eyes just as piercing.

But my mind likes to play tricks on me when it comes to Nina. Eden, of course, isn't her. But they are best friends. They lived together. I'm sure Nina's told Eden everything. I doubt the similarities end with their appearance. Eden now shares the same fate Nina did. Eden will be captured the same way the Nina was.

I throw the door open to my convertible and calmly climb in, enjoying the smell of the leather seats. The car is brand-new. I bought it for this trip. I don't like sharing cars, and I can afford the more expensive things in life, even a new car for my single day in the US. I fire up the car and pull out of my spot, chasing after them. I pull out my phone and begin tracking Eden’s phone. She may be feisty, but she's not smart enough to realize that she needs to get rid of her phone. The app on my phone instantly finds them. They are about ten blocks away, headed in the direction of her condo.

I start driving fast, weaving around car after car as I catch up to them. Each minute that passes I get closer and closer. Adrenaline rushes through my muscles as I drive almost automatically. My brain doesn’t operate the car, my excitement does. The sooner I take Eden, the sooner I take Nina back and get to punish my brother.

My hands remain unshakeable as I speed through another red light. My heart beats steadily, my breathing relaxed, when I almost crash into an old Volkswagen Beetle that’s driving far too slow in front of me. I dart out into the next lane and speed around it, not bothering to flip off the driver as I should. I’ve chased after someone in a car hundreds of times before. This is my life.

I see her douchebag of a date’s car two in front of me. He thinks he's fancy driving in his Volvo S90. It's a ridiculous car, for men who are too weak to drive anything faster. His driving could use some work. I shouldn’t have been able to catch up to them as quickly as I did.

I make a hard left turn, followed by two rights, looping around the block to get in front of them and stop at the light at the intersection. I lurk in the shadows of the building, waiting for them to stop at the light, perpendicular to where I sit. They do, and then I wait. I watch them from my seat in the car, talking to each other, having no idea the danger they are in. Having no clue that I hide feet away from them. Ready to take them out.

I don't know what kind of man she's dating, but he's definitely not worthy of her. He can’t even protect her from a villain like me.

I keep my eye on the light and watch as it turns green for them. I step on the gas, slamming into his side of his car.

Our airbags go off, knocking the wind out of me for a second, but I'm determined. It does nothing to stop me. I want Eden, and I want her now. I’m tired of the games. I throw open my door and give myself a once-over before I examine my car. It barely has a scratch on it, while his shitty car took the brunt of the force. The entire front half is smashed in.

I walk toward the driver side of the car, knowing now my target should have been Saul, instead of Eden. If I understand anything about her, I know she will protect her stupid date. She’ll put herself last.

I throw his door open and grab his arm, pulling him out of the car as I take my gun out of the back of my pants and aim it at his head.

"Now, let's try this again," I say, staring at Eden.

Her eyes bulge as she undoes her seatbelt and pushes the airbag down out of her face.

"Don't hurt him."

Her voice is slick and unwavering as she speaks without a drop of fear.