She's good. But I'm better. I jump up, run the few feet after her, and grab her arm, twisting it hard behind her back.

She cries out.

"Now that I have your attention again, you will do what I say, or I’ll break your arm, which trust me, from how much agony my finger is in, you won't recover from rapidly.”

"You're a monster."

"I know."

I walk her back toward where my car and her date still sit, him bleeding out over the concrete.

I smirk at the weak man lying on the ground. "How does it feel that this incredible woman wasn't willing to save you?"

Her date glares back at me, too broken to even fight back with words.

"Should I kill him now since he means so little to you?"

"No, you wouldn’t.”

"I would and I will."

She pants hard. She makes the mistake of looking at the what is left of her date.

"Save him, and I'll cooperate."

"No, you won't."

But I walk her forward to him, still holding her arm behind her back.

"Take off your shirt," I say to him.

He squeezes his eyes shut, like that will make me disappear.

"Shirt off now," I bark again.

"Listen to him," Eden pleads.

He reluctantly removes his shirt, and I turn to Eden. “Now, take his shirt and tie it above the wound as tightly as you can.”

I release Eden, keeping the gun firmly to her head as she does what I say. As soon as she's finished, I use my gun to slap him as hard as I can in the head, knocking him unconscious to the floor.

"Why did you do that?” she screams, trying to wake him up with her pathetic shakes of his shoulder.

"So he wouldn't follow us or remember any of this conversation to tell the police.”

I grab her arm again, pulling her up from his limp body as I take out my phone and dial 911.

"911, what’s your emergency?"

"There's been an accident at the corner of 7th and South Olive.” I hang up.

“I kept my word. Now get in the car and cooperate before I change my mind and kill you both."



Matteo speeds off, away from the accident. Away from Saul.