“He’s dead,” he says, deadpanned like he was telling me the weather.


“I killed him. Beat him to death for touching what is mine. I’ll make sure everyone else in his family is either dead or made to believe Armas deserved to be killed. No one will ever take you again. You’re mine.”

My nipples harden, my lips part, and I feel a stirring deep in my belly begging to feel the erection I swear I see when I glance down at his crotch. If he notices me staring he doesn’t comment. Instead, he turns and strides out of the room, not bothering to tie me up or even lock the door. I couldn’t get far anyway, not with my leg the way it is even if I tried to crawl.

My body continues to ache, and I throb between my legs, needing relief.

The trauma from the car accident and rape must have fucked with my mind. That or the painkillers are making me delusional. There is no way I want to fuck Matteo. No way is that ever happening. I don’t care if he’s turned into the world’s greatest saint. There is nothing he can do to make me forgive him for what he’s done to me.



Fuck this woman.

Eden’s turned her charm on, and I don’t know how to stop my cock from falling for her ridiculous mind games. She thinks she can manipulate me into giving her back her freedom.

She’s wrong.

There is only one way for her to earn back her freedom. By telling me where I can find Nina. Otherwise, I’ll keep her trapped forever.



Four weeks.

That’s how long it’s been since the rape. That’s how long it’s been since my life changed forever.

My leg healing was the easy part. After watching Matteo work, as I suspected, it has healed magnificently. The swelling has gone down. The skin has fused together where it was once open. And from what I can tell, my bones have begun the long road of healing as well.

My mind is haunted. Armas may be dead, but he still has control over me. I don’t sleep without having a nightmare of him raping me. I jump at every loud noise or movement. I hate being alone with any man, even the servants who are only bringing me food.

Matteo hasn’t visited. Not once since the night, he saved me. The staff and men have brought me food, books, and pain pills, and have told me he’s busy working. But I know it’s a lie. He’s staying away because I wasn’t the only one who changed when I was raped. He felt something too. What? I’m not sure, but it changed.

I hear the familiar creak of the door as it opens. I expect one of the men, Maximo, or Dierk, or Paul to be coming in to check on me. One of them normally does around this time of day. The interaction is always brief; I’m sure Matteo gave them orders not to stay long. But it’s at least something to look forward to each day.

I hope it’s Dierk. He lingers the longest and will sometimes make jokes or tell me about the outside world. Mainly the weather and a few current events, but it’s heaven when I don’t even get to look out the window or step a foot out of bed. I should try walking soon, but I need help. And I don’t trust any of the men to help me. Not to mention I need a bath, a change of clothes, and a walk outside to remember what fresh air smells like again.

My jaw unhinges when Matteo walks into the room. He doesn’t look at me. He seems lost in thought as he pulls his gray T-shirt up over his head. My eyes travel over his chest, six-pack abs, and down the v that disappears into his running shorts.

My mouth waters, both from glimpsing his body and from jealousy. He can run outside, while the only thing I can do is turn over in bed.

I clear my throat, and he stops, examining at me like he forgot I was still in his room. Or I exist at all. His lips tighten together, he’s going to go about his business, go shower, or whatever he came up here to do, instead of engaging with me.

“Have you tried walking yet?” he asks, surprising me by speaking.

“No.” I plead with my heart to stop racing in my chest. He’s just a naked man. I’m excited because it’s been so long since I’ve experienced the pleasure and release that comes with a great fuck. That’s all.

He take

s the shirt in his hand and wipes the sweat from his forehead.

“You should be able to walk by now. If not, we should call a doctor out here.”

“I haven’t exactly had too many opportunities to walk. I don’t trust if I try to get out of bed by myself, that I won’t fall and hurt myself all over.”