“We got it!” he shouts.

I smile and stand. I’m immediately handed my robe that I wrap back around my body.

“That was perfect,” Brock says.

He hands me a small index card with a couple of lines on it. That’s when I realize that the video ad will not be solo. I’ll be shooting it with a man. This makes me happy. It will give me a chance to see how unaffected Killian really is.

“We will have you get in the water and get your hair wet. Your makeup is waterproof, so you should be fine there, but if we need to do any touch-ups, we will do it then. Then, we will have Cedric jump in and swim up to you. That will be the first shot, and then we will proceed with the rest of the scene after that. We will have cue cards with your lines on it if you forget. Any questions?”

I glance down at my index card one more time, but I already have the simple lines memorized. “Nope. I got it.”

I walk over to the pool and hand Brock my robe before jumping into the cool water. I’m surprised it’s cool, despite the warm weather. When I come up for air, that’s when I remember they just filled it yesterday. It hasn’t had time to warm up. I flip my hair back, knowing that’s how they will want it for the shoot. I feel Killian’s eyes burning into me as I do, and I smile. He’s definitely affected. Now, let’s just see how affected. I swim over to the shallow end where they want me, so they can see my body from the waist up.

I glance down to the other end of the pool and see Cedric standing at the edge. I smile. He’s good-looking. I glance over and see Killian frowning in the direction of Cedric. He either didn’t know Cedric was going to be a part of the shoot, or he forgot. Either way, he doesn’t look happy.

“Action!” Brock yells.

Cedric dives into the pool. I keep my eyes on him as he swims up to me. He grabs me by the waist, and I smile and giggle as his hands make his way up my body as he surfaces.

“Cut. That was great. We will move on as soon as we adjust the camera.”

“I’m Cedric,” the man says, running his hand through his long dark locks.

“I’m Kinsley,” I say.

“I think I’m going to enjoy this,” he says.

I smile. “Me, too.”

Brock walks over to us. “All right, now, we basically want you two to make out until we call cut. We will probably do it several times here, and then we will move to under the waterfall.”

We both nod. Cedric puts his hands around my waist. I do the same to him. We both know better than to move our hands to each other’s faces. It would ruin the shot.

“Action,” Brock says.

I close my eyes as Cedric’s lips touch mine. He doesn’t tentatively kiss me, like he is just getting to know me. He kisses me hard and fast, like he has done this hundreds of times before. I kiss him back with the same intensity.

He’s a good kisser, I think.

He tugs on my bottom lip, and I can’t help it as a low moan escapes my lips. He smiles against me, tugging harder, moving our bodies closer together.

I can’t help it. One of my hands travels up to the base of his neck, deepening the kiss. His hips press harder against mine until I feel his erection.

“Yes, just like that,” I faintly hear Brock shout to us.

But I’m too lost in the kiss to really hear Brock. Cedric kisses me harder until my tongue is sizzling wherever he touches me. His kiss is intense.

“Cut!” Killian shouts.

That’s when Cedric and I stop. Our breathing is heavy, but I don’t move out from Cedric’s arms.

He is smiling at me. “That was amazing.”

I nod, unable to speak. When I glance back at the camera, ready for the next direction, that’s when I see Killian’s face. It’s angry…or worse than angry. He’s pissed. I smile and wave at him before diving under the water and moving over to the waterfall. He’s definitely affected by me and jealous as hell.

Cedric swims up behind me.

“So, how long have you been modeling?” I ask as we wait for them to move the camera to get the new angle.