At least a dozen stand behind Matteo as well.

I search, but it doesn’t take me long to see Nina and Arlo with their arms tied behind their back, standing behind Matteo with a gun pointed at their heads by Maximo and Paul.

My fingers tremble, and my legs ache as I squat down. I want to jump over the table and demand Matteo to release Nina and Arlo, but I know that won’t happen. All I can do is stay here behind this dusky desk and hope that an opportunity presents itself to save them.

“You brought them. I didn’t think you had it in you, Matteo, to betray your own brother, but maybe you are my son after all,” Enrico says.

“I did. Now you need to hold up your end of the deal,” Matteo responds.

Enrico nods to one of his men, who brings forward a large briefcase. He opens it presenting it to Matteo. Matteo flips through the cash quickly and the nods, accepting the cash.

The man closes the briefcase and sets it next to Matteo.

“And the second half of our agreement?” Matteo asks.

“You won’t see or hear from me again. I won’t return to Italy. I’ve been staying in Northern Ireland setting up a new turf there. That’s where I’ll be returning,” Enrico says.

Matteo nods. “Good.”

“Now one last thing to meet my terms,” Enrico says.

“You didn’t have any other terms,” Matteo says, the corner of his lip twitching, upset.

Enrico cocks his head to the side as he smirks. “I always have additional terms when needed. You brought me Nina and Arlo so I could get my revenge. I’m still not convinced you’ve completely turned on your brother and are now on my side, however.”

Matteo narrows his eyes, clearly annoyed with his father’s requests. He doesn’t argue though. Instead, he turns and walks toward Nina first. He grabs her chin as she struggles against the ropes, which keep her from lashing out at Matteo.

“I love you, and you betrayed me. You deserve what’s coming to you,” Matteo says. He tightens his grip on her chin and then kisses her lips. It’s not like a kiss he’s ever done with me. It’s all tongue as he slobbers over her lips and forces his tongue into her mouth. Suddenly, he ends the kiss, as quickly as he started it, and then slaps her, knocking her to the floor.

I was expecting him to hurt her. I knew he hated her, but I can’t stop the tears from flooding my eyes, seeing her drop to the floor in pain. And I can’t stop the ache in my heart from forming when I see Matteo kissing another woman. Even Nina. Even under these circumstances. I know that he loves her and hates her. Unlike me, who is nothing to him.

Matteo turns his attention to Arlo, who is writhing with anger after watching the woman he loves hurt by Matteo.

“You’re no brother of mine,” Arlo says growling.

Matteo stands expressionless in front of his brother. He stands s

till for a long time as he stares at Arlo. I don’t know what he’s doing. He doesn’t talk. He doesn’t move. He just stands there.

Suddenly, he pulls something shiny out of his pocket and quickly jabs the object into Arlo’s stomach.

I gasp at the sight of the blood pouring out of Arlo, not expecting Matteo to actually stab him.

Everyone’s eyes turn toward me. My gasp was far too loud not to be discovered, but they can barely see me as I’m still crouched behind the desk.

I have two choices. Run away. Or try to save Nina.

I choose the latter.

I run around the desk and race toward Nina, hoping if I distract Matteo’s men long enough, Nina will be able to escape. I’m fast, but not as fast as I used to be, now that I’m pregnant.

I run straight toward Paul, who is holding Nina back, and I kick him as hard as I can in the shin. He jumps back, and I grab her.

“Shoot her,” Enrico says to his men.

I hear the shots and Nina and I both duck down instinctively.

Abruptly, I’m gripped by strong hands, and I know that my plan to try to free Nina is short-lived.