Arlo’s eyes grow big as he realizes he’s lost. That soon I’m turning him and Nina over to Enrico, and there is nothing he can do.

Welcome to my life brother. How does it feel to have no power and know there is nothing you can do to protect the woman you love?



Nina and Arlo came. Nina was feet away from me, and there was nothing I could do to protect her.

Matteo took them, and I’m afraid it was the last time I might ever see either of them ever again.

“Dierk!” I shout to the man standing guard outside my dungeon cell.

He casually walks over to the door that has bars and a small window at the top.

“Where is Matteo taking them?” I ask.

He looks at me sadly. “To the warehouse. He’s turning them over to Enrico. But if it makes you feel any better, I really think he will let you go free when this is all over. He told me not to hurt you no matter what. He wouldn’t do that if he wasn’t going to let you free.”

What is it with everyone thinking that Matteo is a good man? He’s a cruel, manipulative, monster. He wants power and money. He doesn’t give a shit about anyone else.

I sink down on the floor terrified Nina is going to die, and it’s my fault. I should have protected her. I should have called her and told her what was happening when I was free. Now I’ll never get the chance.

My body shakes and trembles as I sit on the floor, sobbing. My voice cracks, a high-pitched cry that encompasses everything I’m feeling. Heartache. Terror. Fear. Love. Useless.

“Eden, are you okay?” Dierk shouts through the bars.

I open my mouth to say yes, but an idea forms.

“No, I think…god, my stomach, I think something is wrong with the baby…”

I don’t know what instructions that Matteo gave Dierk, but if Dierk thinks that Matteo still cares about the baby and me then Dierk will think he has to do everything he can to protect me.

Dierk pops the door open and runs to me holding me in his arms.

“Let’s get you to the hospital,” he says, helping me to my feet. “Can you walk?” he asks.

I nod as he puts his arms around me and starts leading me to the garage. He walks me to the car that is parked nearest to the exit of the garage. Just as he’s lowering me into the car, I say, “I’m sorry,” and elbow him hard in the nose.

Dierk falls to the floor, and I grab the keys, race around to the driver’s side, and speed off. I may not be able to save Nina, but I have to try.

The warehouse is dark when I pull up, but there are dozens of cars scattered around the parking lot. I know they are here.

I don’t have any weapons. Nothing to get Nina back or protect myself with. I have no idea how I’m going to get her back. But I have to find a way.

I rub my stomach reminding myself that I’m not just risking my life when I try to save Nina. I’m risking my baby’s life too.

It just makes me more determined.

I choose the back entrance to enter, hoping that I can sneak in without being noticed. I do, but I hear a man’s voice that brings fear to my soul.

Enrico Carini, I assume.

I slink down the hallway to the large room that serves as everything; weapons hold, meeting room, office, and now as a trading place. A place to trade my best friend for money and the promise of Enrico to leave Matteo alone.

I duck down behind a desk when I see Matteo. He’s standing in the center of the room across from a man that looks twice his age. He’s shorter than Matteo, but also somehow crueler looking. It’s Enrico.

Behind Enrico is a dozen men on his side.