He looks from her to me, and I nod, encouraging him it’s okay that he leaves.

“I’ll be right outside the door if you need me.” He kisses me gently on the lips and then storms out, flipping off the doctor as he does.

The doctor ignores him and walks over to my bed. “I’m Abigail Faustino. I’ve been looking after you while you are here. How are you feeling?”

“Great actually.”

She smiles. “Good. I know that you were involved in a gunfight with Mr. Carini. I’m not here to ask questions or get involved. But I am here to help if you want a way out. Do you need a way out?”

I swallow. I may never get another chance like this again. She’s offering to help me. I should take it. My heart thumps loudly. I can’t.

“No, I don’t need your help,” I finally say.

She nods. “I figured you’d say that. Mr. Carini seems to be especially fond of you, so I hope he treats you well.”

“He does.”

“Good, well now that that is out of the way, I have some news to share with you. When you were admitted, we ran some regular tests and well…you’re pregnant.”

I gasp and then I can’t breathe. I can’t move. I can’t think. Of all the things she could have said, that was the least expected.

The door is thrown open, and Matteo runs in, clearly having heard what the doctor said.

The woman sighs but doesn’t object as Matteo runs to my side and holds my hand.

“I think she might be in shock,” the doctor says, coming to my side as Matteo stares at me.

I suck in a breath as the doctor puts her hands on me.

“How far along?” I ask, coming to.

“We don’t know for sure without an ultrasound, but it could be a couple of months.”

I swallow, staring at Matteo, silently telling him that it could be Armas’ baby.

Matteo frowns. Grabbing my cheek and forcing me to look at him. “It’s mine.”

I swallow. It should make me feel better. It should make me feel happy to know that it’s most likely Matteo’s, but it doesn’t. I don’t know how he will feel about having a baby. I don’t even know how I feel. Should I get an abortion? I shouldn’t have a monster’s baby while I’m captured.

But I haven’t really been captured in a while. He has given me freedom without actually telling me I was free. I just turned down freedom. He’s shown me he loved me without telling me.

And I know I love him. Is this the worst thing? Maybe him having a kid would change him. Make him softer, get out of this life and live a whole new life with me.

“Could you leave us alone for a few minutes, doctor?” Matteo asks.

The woman nods and leaves.

I stare at Matteo, still not understanding how I feel. Matteo smiles at me softly as he holds his hand over my stomach.

“We are going to have a baby,” he says, giddily kissing me firmly on the lips, seemingly happy with the idea.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes as he kisses me. He’s happy to have a baby with me, so I’m not going to fret. Not immediately anyway. I’m going to just be. And see what happens.

I open my eyes though, needing to talk about so many things. But what I see when I open my eyes isn’t the Matteo I’ve gotten used to these last few weeks.

Instead, a darker Matteo is here with much darker intentions. His hands are on me touching me without permission. His cock burns inside me, and his eyes see red.

I close my eyes and open them again, and I’m back in the hospital room instead of the couch in his room. It was a memory. A memory I had forgotten or tried to push out of my head. Whichever it is doesn’t matter.