I moisten my lips, begging for his lips to find mine. They do. His lips sink into mine as his hands go around my body. I moan against his lips.

I forget about being on a busy sidewalk on the strip. I forget about how mad at him I still am for lying to me. I forget about how mad I am at him for manipulating my


I just kiss and moan and beg.

His kiss is aggressive and hungry. He wants me as much as I want him. He needs this.

I don’t think about the fact that, in a few months, we could be walking down the aisle as man and wife, and having a one-night stand now could ruin it all. I don’t care. I just need him. I need to feel what it’s like to have a man burying himself deep inside me as we both come.

We finish walking back to the hotel, kissing along the way, before I realize that this is a bad idea. We can’t walk into the hotel, kissing and holding hands. Everyone who works in the casino will see us and start rumors. Those rumors will get back to my grandfather, and he will assume we have decided to marry when that couldn’t be further from the truth.

“Maybe we should go back to your place. I don’t want any of the staff to see us together.”

“This is my place.” He releases my hand as soon as we get close to the entrance. “No one will suspect if we go up to our rooms together. Our rooms are right next door to each other.”

“They are? Why do you live in a hotel room?”

“I feel more at home here. And having a hotel room here lets me be closer to work. I’ve had enough emergency calls that I have had to attend to in the middle of the night that it’s just easier to already be here.”

I nod, understanding.

“Why do you live in a hotel when I know you have a home only a few minutes away?” he asks.

“I feel at home here. I’ve always felt at home in hotels more so than at home.”

Killian smiles. “Your father used to say the same thing.”

“Come on. This time, you take the stairs, and I’ll take the elevator.”

He laughs. “No, we will both take the elevator.”

We walk into the casino, side by side, but we don’t touch. Employees notice us and nod in our direction. This time though, I feel like they can see the truth. They know we are walking upstairs to go have sex. They all know. It will be the talk of the town tomorrow.

My hand shakes nervously at my side, and I try my best to smile at a bartender as she walks by, but it’s weak.

“Relax. No one suspects a thing,” Killian whispers into my ear.

“Don’t do that,” I hiss. “It just makes us look more suspicious to see you talking into my ear.”

We make it to the elevator without drawing too much attention to ourselves. When the doors close, the tension between us is too much to remain frozen and not touching. Our bodies collide. Our arms wrap around each other as our lips touch in one of the best kisses of my life. I don’t know if it’s the tension that caused this kiss to be even better than the rest, or maybe it’s the underlying anger that I still feel toward him. Whatever the reason, I don’t want it to stop.

The elevator dings, indicating that we are stopping, that the doors are going to open soon, that we have to stop. But we can’t. We are desperate for each other, desperate to hold on to whatever this fleeting feeling is. I’m sure, as soon as we have sex, it will be gone, and we will go back to being mortal enemies. But, for now, it lasts.

The doors open, and Killian tears his lips from mine just in time for the woman standing there to only suspect that we were just kissing, but not long enough to have proof. I notice her smile knowingly anyway as our heavy panting gives us away as to what we were just doing. She’s not an employee though. The woman who enters the elevator has no idea who we are.

It doesn’t keep me from flushing a bright shade of pink though. I’ve never been caught making out with a man before, not even in high school when Eli and I were dating. We never did anything so risky to risk being caught.

The elevator dings again on the top floor, the floor both Killian and I have rooms on. Killian motions with his hand for me to step out first. So, I do, pushing any thoughts of Eli out of my mind. Tonight isn’t about him. I’ll deal with those memories later.

Tonight is about need and desire. Tonight is about me finally becoming a woman who can sleep with a man without becoming attached. Tonight is about giving in to my own desires without thoughts of the consequences. Tonight is about me. It’s about fucking.

I make my way to my hotel door and slip the key card in. I watch the red light flick to green. I push the handle down, opening the door. Killian’s body is quickly pushing me inside as soon as the latch on the door releases.

I let out a small whimper when he pushes me inside. I wasn’t expecting him to move so quickly.

He claims my lips with his in a brutal, carnal kiss. It’s a kiss that can’t be mistaken for anything but what it is—a desperate plea for me to give myself to him. Fuck, when he kisses me like that, giving so much of himself to me, I want nothing more than to give him everything.