"Here's your coffee, sir. Would you like your usual omelete?”

"Yes, Emilia,” I say, lifting the coffee to my lips.

My servant turns her attention toward Eden. "And what would you like for breakfast?”

"I'd love –"

“She won't be eating or drinking anything."

Emilia fidgets with the bottom of her apron as her eyes cut from Eden to me. I’ll have to make sure that Emilia doesn’t try to sneak Eden food.

"That'll be all,” I say, dismissing my servant.

Emilia runs off to fix my breakfast, and I wait for Eden’s reaction.

Eden doesn’t say anything to me. She pretends I didn't deny her food. She pretends I didn't refuse her a place at the table and make her stand behind me like a dog. I was cruel before, but she hasn't seen my dark side yet. Her silly plan of acting like I don’t affect her won’t work.

She can act tough now, but I’ll break her. I have to find the right button to push. We'll see how well she does without nourishment. I give her three days, at most, before she starts begging me for water, bread, even scraps off my plate. Especially in her weakened state.

Emilia returns with my breakfast. Her eyes dart to Eden before she scurries off again.

My men continue to eat silently at the table, occasionally snickering or glaring at Eden. They too realize that today is the day the real fun begins. Today is when we get Eden to talk, no matter what it takes.

"Were you able to confirm the shipment for Thursday, Maximo?" I ask.

"We ran into a few complications, but we plan on using force tonight. I think it can be done."

"Good. Once that's dealt with, we can move on to more important things like finding Nina and Arlo. After tonight, I want at least half the team searching for them.

“And as an added incentive, if you find Nina and Arlo before Eden discloses their location, I'll make sure a substantial bonus awaits you in your next paycheck. I'll even let you participate in helping me teach Nina and Arlo a lesson for running."

Maximo laughs, and it soars through the room. "We’ll find them long before Eden speaks a syllable.” His eyes eat up her body, which attempts to hide beneath the thin T-shirt she's wearing.

A low growl escapes my throat. A warning. Maximo stops looking at Eden.

My jaw slowly unclenches, and my vein stops throbbing in my forehead. I don't understand why it annoys me that Maximo leered at Eden. After my cock claims Eden and she spills their whereabouts, he can fuck her all he wants. All I want is to find Nina and Arlo.

Maximo shouldn’t have dared to check her out. I rub my neck trying to release the tension he caused. Maybe my anger reared up because he's now my number two since Arlo left. I want Maximo to be entirely loyal to me, not pining over some woman.

I look to Dierk on my left. "You up for the task, Dierk?”


"Good. I need all of my best men on this. Now everyone get the fuck out of here and start working.”

The men immediately stand and file out of the room, leaving whatever remains of their food on their plates.

Eden immediately sinks into the chair next to me that Dierk had occupied.

"I thought you love Nina? I thought you wouldn't hurt her?”

“I do, but we tend to punish those we love the most. Nina chose my brother over me. She made the wrong choice."

"Your plan isn't going to work. I don’t believe that you love Nina. But even if you do, you don’t deserve her. Arlo does. He has kept her safe for this long."

I shake my head minutely. “Nina hasn't told you the truth about her stay here, has she?"

Eden's pupils bore into mine as she crosses her arms and leans back in the chair. "She told me enough."