“Thank you,” Arlo says.

I smile.

“You’re safe!” Nina cries when she finally gets to me.

We throw our arms around each other, hugging tightly as tears stream down our cheeks.

“You’re pregnant! And happy?” she asks, eyeing Matteo behind me.

I glance behind me to Matteo with a grin. “Very happy. Or at least we will be.”

Matteo pulls me back to him. “We need to talk,” he says, pulling me away from Arlo and Nina.

“Okay,” I say, not liking his tone.

“We haven’t talked much about our future. Whether we will be together or separate. Whether I will get to be part of our child’s life or not. And how to keep our family safe, while still doing what we want.”

I nod. “I don’t know the answers to most of those except that I want us to be together.”

“I have answers for a few.”

I raise an eyebrow.

“I made a deal with Clive and Erick.”

“They are still alive?” I ask.

He nods. “I needed help to try and take out Enrico. Although, apparently, I just needed you.”

I smirk.

He holds me tighter against his body. “I gave up everything.”


“I gave up everything. The house. My job. The weapons. I gave up being a monster.”

My eyes widen and my pulse freezes, not understanding. “But it was your whole life. You loved being a Carini, ruler of Italy, and weapons trader. What will you do if you don’t do that?”

He smiles. “I’ll love you, and I’ll love this baby. We can live in America, or in Italy. I don’t care. Although, you might have to work and I’ll be a stay home dad for a while, until I figure out what I’m good at, other than killing people.”

I laugh.

“I love you, Matteo, but you will always be a bit of a monster to me. The kind with a big heart.”

He kisses me. “A monster that gave up everything for love.”



I gave it all up.


The guns. The lifestyle. The mansion. My security team and employees. Everything.

It’s gone.