
“Are you sure, Nina? Are you sure that Heath is worth saving when you could still save yourself? Isn’t that what you said you were going to do anyway? Save yourself? So, do it.”


Arlo sighs. “So, you really do love Heath then? Is that it?”


“Well then, meet me at the SPB private airfield in ten minutes, but just know you can save only one person. You can either save Heath or you can save yourself.”

The phone call ends, and I shiver despite it not being the least bit cold outside. It’s not even a question of whom I’m going to save. I already know, and so does Arlo. I’m going to save Heath.



I already know whom she’s going to save. I hope like hell that I’m wrong because the boy isn’t worth saving. I know that. He knows that. Even Nina knows that.

But I know her too well.

I know she is going to get in the first cab she can find and race over to the airfield to save the day.

I glance over at the boy who is riding in the backseat of the blacked out Mercedes with me. He doesn’t deserve her love or her saving.

But, somehow, I think she does love the boy. I just don’t understand how.

Stay away, Nina.

Save yourself.

It’s your last chance.

If you get on the flight, you have no chance left.

Save yourself. Because, once you are back in Italy, I can’t protect you anymore.



The cab pulls up in the airfield parking lot.

He tells me what the fee is, but I don’t hear him. I just pull out all the cash I have, well over a hundred dollars, and hand it to him, knowing that it is more than enough to cover the fare.

I climb out of the car and expect my heart to be racing. I expect my legs to be so weak and shaky that I’ll struggle walking out to the plane. None of that happens though.

Instead, I feel calm. I feel like I was meant to do this. I feel ready.

I walk into the small building that sits outside the airfield.

“I’m here to meet Arlo Carini,” I tell the receptionist behind the desk when she sees me.

She smiles at me. “Going on your honeymoon?” she asks, looking at me in my dress.

“Something like that,” I say without smiling.

She nods. “He’s already on the plane. It’s the first one on the right. I can walk you out.”