“You shouldn’t have gone after both of them.”

I frown. “I didn’t.”

She laughs. “Of course you did. Don’t think I didn’t watch you. I know everything that happened. I know you were fucking both of them, hoping that one of them would fall in love with you.”

I sigh. I don’t know whether to be nice or mean to her. “It worked. They both fell for me.”

She shakes her head and goes back to staring out the window. But, now that she started, I have to know why she thinks it was a mistake.

“Why was it a mistake?” I ask.

Gia sharply turns her head back to me. “You ruined my life! You know that? I shouldn’t help you. It’s because of you that I’m always locked up in this house. I hardly ever get to go anywhere, and if I do, it has to be with a full security team. I’m a prisoner in my own house. All becau

se Arlo had to save you, and now, I’ve had to live my life, always worrying if Erick or Clive or any of their men are out to get me. Ready to steal me at any second.”

My heart breaks. She’s lived my life for the last seven years almost exactly like I did. The difference is that I ran while she has been hiding. I got kidnapped while she’s still safe—for now.

“I’m sorry,” I say, my voice genuinely sorry for her. I would never wish my predicament on anyone, and it seems that Gia is living the same nightmare that I was. “If I could go back in time and make a different decision, I would. But I can’t. At least you have men who want to protect you. They will do anything to keep you safe. At least your prison is beautiful and with family. At least you haven’t been stolen.”

I wish I knew how to help her, but there is really nothing I can do. And it’s clear she doesn’t think I’m worth saving.

I take my stack of books, and I get up, intending to leave her alone, when she says, “You made a mistake in trying to get them both to go after you. You should have chosen just one. Now, they are both in love with you. Feelings that neither of them has ever experienced before. You can’t have them both. They will fight each other to make you theirs and destroy everyone in the process.”

I suck in a breath, knowing that she’s right—at least, in part. I’m not sure if either brother really loves me or if I’ve just become a new plaything that they don’t want to share anymore. But, whatever their true feelings are, I know that the fight to claim me as theirs is about to get ugly. And I have no idea how to stay out of the crossfire.

“What do I do?”

Her eyes are blank stares. I see an emptiness there that I’ve felt many times before.

“Hide or run.”

I swallow. Neither of those options has worked for me before. If I hide in my room, I’ll eventually have to come out to eat, to survive, and when I do, all of my problems will still be there.

And, if I run…I glance down at the bracelet that Matteo threatened me with the first day I came here.

The story he told me about it was easy for me to believe then when the fear was fresh, but now, I’m not as afraid. I know that Matteo rarely tells me the truth—or at least, the whole truth. He likes to play games with my head. I look down at the thin bracelet that I’m sure holds a tracker, but what else is inside?

I glance up at Gia to ask, but she has turned her attention back to staring outside. I doubt she would know what my bracelet contains anyway. She doesn’t seem to care about anything anymore.

It comes down to if I believe if Matteo was telling me the whole truth or not. I know he lied when he told me the story about the brothers who saved the princess. And I’ve caught him in several fibs. But would he fib about something like this? And is it worth the risk?

I could die if I take it off.

I could die if I stay.

Two choices, just like Matteo always gives me. Either way, it’s my decision. Neither has great odds of me surviving. But one would end much faster than the other.

I drop the books and what’s left of my breakfast, and I head outside into the warm sun that I haven’t seen in days. The sun has just barely started coming up. The Carini brothers aren’t awake. Enrico is gone. And Gia won’t come after me. Now’s my chance. If I can get rid of the tracker, then I can actually escape. I know the direction of town. I can run. I can be free again.

I look down at the bracelet that I forgot was even on my wrist; it’s so lightweight. There is no way there is a bomb inside. Poison maybe, but I doubt poison touching my skin would actually kill me.

I find the fastener and click the latch, surprised that it opens with ease. I watch as the bracelet falls to the ground, and then I run.



My lungs burn from my heavy breathing as I run as fast as I can through the field and into the forest behind their house. I haven’t exercised once since I arrived here—unless you count sex. And, while the sex was definitely enjoyable and kept up some of my stamina, it’s not the same as running. My legs are clumsy from using muscles that I haven’t used in weeks. Arlo’s sweatpants slide down my body with each step I take since they are far too big for my slim body. And my feet ache with each step. I didn’t even bother to put shoes on before I started running.