Milo cries.

And my eyes drip for the boy. The boy whose father broke him. And the man I love who played his part.

“Enzo didn’t even blink. He lifted the gun and shot Pietro. He was just a kid—just thirteen.”

His brother was the love of his life. Not a woman. His brother—Pietro.

And for the tiniest of seconds, I understand Milo’s pain. He didn’t deserve that any more than I deserved to be taken and beaten or raped.

But my pain I turned into beauty, his pain he turned into rage. And he’s never been able to escape it.

“Why? Why did you tell me?” I whisper, trying to forget where his cock is right now.

“So you know who the man you love really is. And so you believe me when I tell you the truth.”



I waited the fucking twenty-four hours, never leaving Kai’s side.

It was the worst hell I’ve been through, watching her seemingly relive her nightmare. And all the time I was hoping I did the right thing. I hoped when she woke up, she would be able to start the journey toward healing.

I even broke my promise and told her I love her, but even that didn’t wake her from her nightmare.

Finally, her nightmare stopped. She woke up. But Kai was gone.

She didn’t speak.

She didn’t look at me.

She didn’t move.

She didn’t eat.

She didn’t breathe.

She didn’t drink.

And sometimes when I look at her sitting there in her chair and looking out the yacht window to the ocean, I wish she were asleep again. Because asleep, I still

had some hope. But now I have none.

It’s been weeks. Over a month and nothing has changed.

She just sits.

Occasionally, she sleeps.

And Liesel is the only one who can get her to eat.

Otherwise, Kai ignores us all.

I’ve tried everything. The doctor says she just needs time, but I don’t think Kai is even fighting anymore. I’m afraid Milo stole what makes Kai, Kai, and he took her with him to hell. And I’m left with the shell of her body.

But I won’t stop trying. I will never give up on her. And I know the next round of games to become Black is nearing. Maybe that will wake her up. But I doubt she would even show up. And I have no idea if I can legally take over the company if I don’t finish the games and have a child who can claim the throne after me.

I head into Kai’s room. As usual, she is sitting alone, staring out the window.