I feel his pain with every word. He was hurt in a way I have yet to experience, but I’m afraid Milo is about to show me.

Milo grabs my neck before I have a chance to move.

And then he pushes my legs wide apart as he settles between them.

Shut down, now. Shut down! I scream at my body. I can’t feel this. I’ll never survive.

Milo’s eyes turn sad. As if what he’s going to do will break him as much as it will break me. “You don’t deserve this. If I could do this to Enzo, I would. He’s the one who deserves this. But I have to teach one of you a lesson. It’s the only way you will learn how wrong loving someone else is.”

“Please, just let me go. Don’t rape me,” I whisper.

Milo shakes his head.

“My body will only open the hole in your heart to get you to listen to me. My story is what will cause you to give me your heart willingly.”

I have no idea how those words can be true, but in the end, I'm afraid they just might be.



The tunnels work like a charm.

We get into the mansion completely undetected. And Felix is waiting for us when we reach the end.

“I’ve already switched the cameras to your feed. No one knows you are here,” Felix says.

“Thank you,” I say, happy Kai learned to trust Felix in the same way I did. “We have teams at all the gates ready to break them down, and my team is filing up through the tunnels quickly. We are bringing this entire organization down.”

Felix nods. “Good, this needs to end.”

“It does.”

“Where is Kai? Milo?” I ask.

“Not sure, watch out,” Felix says, firing his gun behind me.

And so the war starts.

I start shooting, and Langston follows up behind me. It feels weird not to have Zeke on the other side watching my other shoulder. We are incomplete with just the two of us, and it’s all the more reason to make Milo and his entire team suffer—for Zeke.

I don’t think as I take down man after man. My brain switches to automatic fighting mode, and that doesn't include any emotions. I could probably single-handedly take down every man in this mansion. My father programmed me that way. But there are more of Milo’s men outside the mansion, more gathering nearby. And I have hundreds of people ready to fight them all for me. Because they want me to be their leader.

I see the blood of my enemies being spilled, and the sight only drives me further deeper into the house.

“Any sign of Milo or Kai?” I ask into my earpiece.

“No, we don’t see either of them on any of the security cameras,” Liesel answers.

I growl. Either Milo knew I was coming and turned the ones aimed at him off, or they are somewhere the cameras aren’t.

The basement.

They must be there. “How is her heart rate?” I ask as I fire another shot.


Fuck, fuck, fuck.