He snickers. “He’s coming. He may not be capable of love like you are, stingray, but he can’t let such a gem go, not without retaliation.”

My head snaps to his. “What did you just call me?”


“How…how do you know that name?” My bottom lip trembles as I speak.

“I won’t answer your question, until you answer mine.”

Lie, tell him what he wants to hear, make something up, because I have to know how he knows the nickname only three men have ever called me—the three men I trust more than anyone else in the world.

But I can’t answer him, and he will refuse to answer me just to spite me.

“What do you want, Milo?” I ask, trying to let my curiosity go, and pretend he didn’t just pull at my heartstrings by asking me that question.

His fingers brush over my shoulder blades, and my icy shield takes over, freezing him out. He won’t be able to penetrate what is left of my heart. He won’t be able to make me feel pain. I’m invincible.

And then he leans down to whisper in my ear, even though there is no reason to. There is no one here to hide his words from. But he does it because he knows how it will impact me, and he likes watching my body shutter.

“I always thought you were the stronger one. And I think in the end, you will be the one who wins.”

I swallow, and I feel his eyes on my throat.

“Then why didn’t you choose me to begin with? Why make a deal with Enzo if you think I’m going to be the one who wins?”

“More questions. What makes you think I will answer?”

“Because you want me to know the answers.”

He smiles, smugly.

“So smart, my stingray.”

“Is Zeke alive? Is he here? Are you torturing him?”

He chuckles. “You still believe in fairytales, don’t you? You believe no one you love can truly die. Well, I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, sweetheart. But people die. Every damn day. People who deserve to die and those that don’t. It makes no difference. Everyone dies. And your friend, Zeke, is dead.”

I step toward him with tears in my eyes. Not sure if I feel relief that Milo hasn’t been torturing Zeke somewhere this entire time, or grief that Zeke is truly dead. He didn’t make a miraculous resurrection like Milo did. He’s just gone.

And maybe that’s the least cruel thing of all. That Zeke doesn’t have to live in this cruel world anymore. His soul is free.

“Then why did you call me stingray?” I ask. I see movement behind Milo—Felix. He’s standing in the doorway watching us. I send him a look of help. To do something. To help me. Or to send for Enzo.

Felix disappears, and I have no idea if he’s going to help me or not.

“If you want answers, then you answer me first,” Milo’s voice is dark and heavy.

I need to send for Enzo. I need to send out the alert, but my body is frozen with fear. From just the sound of his voice.

One long press and this can all be over. Enzo and his team will be running through the tunnels to get me. But I’m not ready. I shake off the frozenness of my body and realize I need an answer as badly as Milo needs an answer from me. The torturous wait will drive us both crazy.

So I answer Milo in the only way I can, “Enzo won’t come until I call him.”

I won’t tell him how I can call him, but just that I’m the one who will make the decision. And then I wait for his answer.

“I got the information from your friend,” he says, smiling as he says the word ‘friend.’

My hand slinks up my neck, prepared to press the button on my earrings. I won’t let Milo hurt me. It would kill Enzo as much as it kills me if he does. I just need to hear his answer first.