“I’m one of Milo’s men, remember? I’ll just tell them I can easily overpower you, so I didn’t see the need, which is the truth.”

“Lead the way. I’m tired of this dark cell,” I say.

Felix walks out of the dungeon and up to the main house. The light shining in immediately warms me. I never thought I’d be begging for sunlight. I much prefer the dark, but the light fits my hopeful mood. Today is the day I’m going to find a way to distract Milo. Today is the day I will send the information to Enzo. And then soon, we will put our plan into action.

The house seems empty, which is strange to me. The last time I was in the house, we ran into servants and guards. But this time, I don’t see anyone.

“This way,” Felix says, cocking his head to the right.

We walk down a long hallway, and Felix doesn’t try to hold my arm once. We don’t act like prisoner and guard. We act like two comfortable friends walking through the house.

Felix leads me out onto the back deck, and I gasp from the view.

“This is incredible,” I say, walking closer to the edge of the deck, needing to get as close as possible to take in the most gorgeous landscape I’ve ever seen. Somehow this single view has everything—bright colored flowers, dark and light shaded trees, rolling hills, a streaming river, an overflowing waterfall, and mountains in the distance.

How could such an evil man live in such a beautiful place? How can the two worlds survive so close to each other?

“This is why I can’t quit. This right here. Every day I consider quitting, and then I’m reminded I will have to give this up, and I stop,” Felix says.

I stare at him, shocked at such an easy confession from him.

He shrugs. “The money Milo pays might also come into play. And the fact that if I quit, he’d probably have me shot.”

I smile. “Don’t let your job define your worth, Felix. Working for Milo doesn’t make you evil. It’s what’s in your heart and how you try to use your power.”

There is a pause, then, “Thank y

ou, I needed that.”

I look back at the view. “And I needed this. I needed a reminder; there is beauty in the darkest of places.”

Felix’s phone buzzes, and he pulls it out of his pocket.

“I need to take this. Don’t run off,” he says, stepping back inside, leaving me alone outside. But I know I’m not alone. There are cameras. There are guards. There are men all in this house who would be willing to hurt me if I took a step off this deck.

I take a deep breath of the fresh air trying to take everything in. There is so much to the world I have yet to see—so much good. Instead of experiencing it, I’ve been trapped in a world of torture and pain. This is what I want. A life where I seek out the beauty and bring light to those who can’t see past the dark.

I decide to tap out a quick message for Enzo—I’m safe. And this view is fucking incredible.

When my hand drops, I feel more connected than I have since stepping foot here. My body is healing nicely. And Enzo is ready to attack and has an undetectable entrance. I just need a way to keep Milo distracted long enough to not sound the alarm until Enzo has all the team in place. I don’t know how many people will fight on our side, but I know it’s more than Enzo thinks will come. More people believe in Enzo than just me.

I lean against the railing while I wait for Felix to return. I know I should only focus on one problem at a time. We need to kill Milo. He’s too dangerous to us to stay alive. And then, when the dust settles, we can figure out how to finish the contract between our families to decide who should rule. We have one, possibly two more games to play. I would happily concede the games to Enzo, so he can win.

But the only way either of us can become the leader we have fought so hard to be is if we have an heir. If I kill Enzo’s heir, then what do we have left? I can’t have a child. And Enzo has no family left. He will have to have a child, and it can’t be with me.

I hear the sliding door open behind me, but I don’t turn around. Felix will talk to me when he’s ready, and I want to enjoy my last few moments of peacefully staring out at the view.

A cold chill brushes through me, and I shiver. I don’t shy away from the cold like most people; I welcome it in. But this is more than just cold wind rushing through me. It’s more like a dark cloud descending over me, and bringing with it thunder, lightning, and a storm I won’t be able to fight.

“Milo,” I say, as the familiar chills of his presence pulses through me.

He doesn’t answer; he simply steps forward to stand next to me.

I try to keep my body from reacting, but every cell in my body responds to this man. He’s physically hurt me. He’s threatened the love of my life. He’s tried to take an empire that isn’t his to take. He’s the worst kind of bully, the kind that needs you to bow down to him in order to feel powerful.

“When is Enzo coming for you?” his voice is gentle, light, not meant to be threatening, but intended to lull me into a false sense of calmness.

“He’s not coming,” I say as calmly back.