He nods solemnly. He doesn’t want to wait to get Kai back either. When I get her back, I’m going to wring her neck, and her ass is going to be so red she won’t be able to sit for a year for what she did. But I know why she did it. She knew I needed to be the one to lead my team. The only way we would be able to defeat Milo was with the help of my army. And they would only follow me. She hasn’t earned the title of king yet. In their eyes, I have.

“It would be helpful if you could figure out who his number two is. We need to know who is in line to take over Milo’s position for when we kill Milo. We have to take out all of the leaders. Otherwise, even if Milo is gone, his number two could rebuild. He could gather our enemies against us, and we could still lose in the end.”

“I know. But Milo was very tight-lipped about it. Even the guard I friended didn’t know.”

Langston leaves and returns with a pen and paper. “Write down every name you remember, even if you don’t think they are in a leadership position. I will do as much research as I can on each name. And maybe if you write them down, it will become clearer. Maybe it will help you to connect a dot you didn’t realize.”

I don’t know if it will help. But at least it will mean I’m doing something other than staring at a red dot all day.

I’m ready, Kai, just tell me when. Give me an opening, or give me a reason to put everyone at risk.

Everyone is ready to save her. To take down our enemy. And to take back our empire. But if I can’t figure out who the number two is, will it be enough to save Kai and protect my team?



It’s been three weeks.

Tortured doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel. Not because I’m in any physical pain. In fact, I’ve never felt physically better as a prisoner before. But with each day that passes, my anxiety increases.

I long to be with Enzo.

But more importantly, I long for an ending. I want this to be over, whatever this is. I want to go head to head against Milo and determine a winner.

My arm rests in a sling and has almost completely healed. I try to force myself to do some exercises with it every day to strengthen it.

Felix brought me a splint for my leg, and it’s helped take the pain off my shin. He’s also brought me everything else I could possibly need—food, drink, books, even alcohol to help with my pain since he hasn’t been able to find me any pain medications.

He’s one of two guards on rotation to watch over me, and I look forward to when it’s his turn on duty. He tells the best stories, listens to mine about Enzo, and ensures I’m taken care of. He’s grown into a friend over the last couple of weeks.

I still get a weird feeling anytime he touches me, but I chalk it up to being trapped in this dungeon and not with him personally.

Felix is sitting in his chair outside of my cell reading a book, while I relax on the mattress on the floor reading Fifty Shades of Grey. Felix said all women like the book, and I do, but reading about Christian and Ana just reminds me of my own broken heart. It also makes me horny as hell and miss Enzo even more than I usually do.

Felix still has a few hours left in his shift, so I prepare myself to ask the same question I’ve asked him every day since I arrived. And I prepare myself for the same answer.

“Any chance you want to let me out of this cell for a few minutes? I could really use some sunshine and fresh air.”

Felix smiles at me, knowing I was going to ask the question. I ask it every day.

It’s not that I need the fresh air, although that would be nice. Three weeks in a dark room is nothing compared to the six years I spent in a cage.

The reason I ask is because I need to find a way for Enzo to get in. I need an excuse to explore. To see what Enzo saw when he was here. To find a way to distract Milo. I need a way for Enzo to get in.

“Tell me why you really want out, and maybe I will let you,” he answers.

I flip the page of my book even though I haven’t finished reading it. He knows. He knows why I want out. And if I tell him the truth, will he let me? Or will he tell Milo my plan?

I have to decide right now whether I trust him or not. Enzo trusted him, at least according to Felix he did.

But do I?

He’s been nothing but kind to me. Brought me everything I have ever needed and more. He’s talked to me like a friend. And my gut has settled more around him each day. But I don’t fully trust him. There are only three men I would trust to save me—Enzo, Zeke, and Langston. I don’t even fully trust Liesel. And I don’t think I will ever let anyone else into that small circle of trust. I guess having a father who sold you will make you extra cautious.

So this isn’t really about trust for me. It’s not about friendship either; I don’t need to be his friend.

Can I use him?