I run my hand along the concrete wall behind me, and then I feel something poke me.

I turn to face the wall and find the small crevice. I dig at it and out falls something small and wooden.

I pick it up carefully and gasp as the tears start in again.

It’s a tiny wooden heart with a small string at the top. I put it in the palm of my hand, and I know Enzo carved it.

There is an etching on it: It’s yours.

His heart is mine.

Just like mine is his.

It’s the closest thing to telling me I love you he’s said.

Did he know someday I would end up in this cage same as him?

Or was this never meant to be passed on to me? Just something he carved for himself to be closer to me?

It doesn’t matter because I’ve never been so thankful for a gift before. I study it more and find on the back he carved a K and an E.

I untie my hair with the scrunchie Zeke gave me and tie the heart to it like a charm added to a bracelet. The task is difficult with my dislocated shoulder, the task is worth the pain.

I have a piece of two of the men who matter most to me I can carry with me everywhere.

I tie my hair back up as best as I can with an injured arm in a sling and then touch the heart. “I love you too, Enzo.”

And then I let my hand fall back to the small hole in the wall. And I know what I will find. Enzo needed a sharp knife to carve such intricate details of the heart.

I find the knife. I have two knives—two chances to kill Milo.

I leave the knife hidden where it is. If Milo takes the one in my sock, I have a backup.

But Enzo had access to a knife and never used it. Why?

Did he think it was the best way to keep me safe?

Or did he truly think it would start a war we might not win?

I know Enzo has faith in his men. I know he won’t put them at risk unless absolutely necessary. That he wants to fight his own battles. But he needs to learn everything is personal in this business. And his men want to fight for him. Because they believe in him. They trust him. They will go to war for him.

“And who are you?” a voice startles me.

I turn around and see a charming looking man leaning against the wall across from the bars on my cage.

He’s dressed casually in jeans and a buttoned-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The top couple of buttons are open, revealing a muscular chest with just a hint of dark chest hair.

“The better question is, who are you?” I ask.

He grins. “Ah, you haven’t earned that yet. You haven’t answered my question.”

“I’m Kai.”

His eyes open wide. “You're Enzo’s girl.”

I nod.

“Is Enzo… is he alive?” the tone of his voice changes as if he’s concerned about him.