I zip my mouth closed, but only because I need to know the truth.

“When you left Kai, you broke her heart. You have no idea how much. You have no idea what that pain is like. You’ve never loved anyone, but Kai loves stronger than anyone I’ve ever seen, me included. She couldn’t survive without you. Especially knowing that you were hurting and there was something she could do about it.”

Please tell me her plan was to blow up Milo’s plane before she could step foot on it.

“You left her. You abandoned her. And you made your own stupid plan to protect her without involving her. Without talking to her first. And yes, you protected her, but it didn’t matter when you took the most important part of her with you.”

Tears are hidden behind Liesel’s eyes.

I stare at them. I’ve never seen Liesel cry. She’s too strong, too above that level of weakness. The last time I saw her cry was when I was torturing her. But this, this is from heartbreak. Liesel hurts for Kai.

“So Kai took back her life. And I helped her. And I would suggest when all this is over, you two learn to communicate and trust each other; otherwise, your relationship is doomed to fail.”

“And where did you learn that, Dr. Phil?” Langston says.

Liesel growls. “It doesn’t matter where I learned it.”

“What is your genius plan?” I ask.

Liesel’s head pops back in my direction. “You know everything about Milo after spending weeks at his mansion.”

“I do.” I don’t want Kai anywhere near it.

“You were there for weeks, but never had an opportunity to kill him because Milo never let you get close enough.”

Fuck, I know where this is going, and I hate this plan.

“Kai, on the other hand, can get close. Very close. Milo thinks she’s weak. He’ll put his guard down around her.”

I feel like I’m suffocating listening to Liesel talk. I fucking hate this plan.

“She will kill him. And then you will attack with your men and rescue her.”

“I’m not going to use her as a distraction so I can attack while she has Milo occupied.”

“You don’t have a choice. The plan is already in motion. Milo is too smart. And his mansion is too impenetrable to not have someone on the inside to let you in or at least distract him while you take it.”

“He’ll be expecting that. As you said, Milo isn’t stupid. He’ll be waiting for me to attack.”

“Maybe, but then Kai will signal when Milo has let his guard down. She will let us know when to attack.”

“No, we will attack as soon as we can get there. Within the next few hours, preferably,” I say.

“Agreed,” Langston says.

Liesel shakes her head. “You know that won’t work. Milo will be ready. He won’t touch her until he thinks you won’t attack.”

“This plan won’t work.”

“It will. It already has.”

“What do you mean?”

“It will work, because Kai can communicate with us. She can let us know when to attack. Milo thinks we are weak after his attack.”

“Attack?” Langston asks.

I’m sitting on my bed at the beach house. At some point, I must have been moved here. Which means the attack didn’t happen here.