Milo cocks his head with his hands in his pants. “What?”

I swallow down the pain. “You heard me. Take me instead of Enzo.”

Milo’s lips turn upward inching closer to a grin as he stares at me intently. “And why would I do that? You lost, and Enzo did exactly what I told him to do.”

“Because you can’t take Enzo now. The trip would be too much for his frail body.”

Milo’s heated gaze, runs up and down my broken body. He wants me more now than ever before. He likes his women broken.

I’m not broken.

“And it wouldn’t be too much for your body?”


His eyes widen.

“It wouldn’t be too much. I was held as a captive for six years on a yacht. Beaten every day, but never more. I can survive a few hours in a plane.”

He nods. “Maybe you are better adept at traveling right now than your boyfriend is.” He licks his bottom lip. “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to choose you over him.”

“I know who you are,” I say out of nowhere—hanging onto any hope of trying to get him to come to my side.

Milo’s body stiffens, his chest is held higher, and he stops breathing.

Yes, I’m getting somewhere.

“It doesn’t matter who I am.”

“I think it does. Does Enzo know? Does he know you are brothers?”

Milo grits his teeth, and his eyes darken.

“That’s what I thought. Should I go tell him? Would that change things?”

“It doesn’t matter who knows.”

It matters, I just don’t know why.

Milo starts walking toward the stairwell. I’m running out of time. If Milo leaves, I can’t chase after him. All I have to convince him to take me is my words.

“Take me. Enzo can’t change his heir if you take me. He has no children. No closer biological heir to you.”

Milo stops walking, his head slowly turning to face me, and I see the heat again as his brain processes what this means for him.

“You can take me, and Enzo will have no choice but to keep his promise to you. He won’t have a child if it’s not with me,” I say.

Milo has turned all the way around, and I see his erection pressing against his zipper.

My stomach churns, I’m going to be sick.

“He will attack. He will do anything to get you back.”

I cock my head, as I run my tongue over my swollen lip. Trying to look enticing for this sick man. “Does it matter? He attacks, you defeat his armies and show how worthy you are to lead them. And if he doesn’t, then you get everything you have ever wanted with no cost to you.”

“You’re a stupid girl.”

Maybe, or maybe I’m brave. Maybe I’m fearless. Maybe I’m in love, and being in love means you will do anything for the other person.