“We will see,” Milo says, looking from me to Enzo.

Langston grabs the knife from Milo and jabs it into Enzo’s dislocated shoulder.

“Good,” Archard says, satisfied with the preliminary cuts. I think the sick bastard is enjoying it, until he coughs, struggling to get the next words out.

Archard goes to his bag and produces a hammer, and I know this is when the real battle begins. He hands the hammer to Milo.

“Three hits with this,” Archard says.

“No!” Enzo screams.

“Are you giving up?” Archard asks.

Langston looks Enzo dead in the eye. Of course, Langston is on Enzo’s side. He thinks if I win, it will be more tempting for Milo to trade me for Enzo. Langston grabs his shoulders and turns Enzo away, and I know if I whimper, if I let the pain in, I could win. But I don’t want to win by default. I want to win because I’ve earned it.

“Do your worst,” I way to Milo.

He grabs the hammer and hits me hard in the chest. I’m knocked backward. My ribs shatter beneath the floor.

I don’t bother to get up. The floor will be my home for the next two hits.

But I shut it all out and go to my happy place. I’m back in the dungeon with Enzo whispering my name on his breath, only this time his arms are around me. His lips pressing against mine. His tongue stroking mine. His hands brushing against my face.

I feel warm and safe. His arms wrap around me…wait.

My eyes fly open, and I realize Enzo does have his arms wrapped around me as tears fill his eyes.

I smile up at him, and the tears burst from his eyes.

“God, how are you so strong? I’m so sorry, forgive me,” Enzo says, his voice wavering.

“There is nothing to forgive. I don’t feel anything.”

Enzo shakes his head as tears drip down his cheeks and onto mine.

“Is it over?” I ask.

“Soon, baby. Really, soon. I promise,” Enzo sets me down gently on the floor, and Liesel takes my head in her lap as Enzo reluctantly walks away from me.

“What happened?” I ask, my voice weak.

“Milo hit you more than three times. He got carried away. Enzo attacked and got him to stop. You though—you looked serene. Like you were somewhere else through it all.”

“I was,” I smile.

“Good. You are going to win, no way Enzo allows that to happen again.”

“What happens since Milo broke the rules?”

I look over at a bloodied Milo.

Liesel shrugs. “Archard allowed Enzo to beat the crap out of him and comfort you. I don’t know how else he can make it fair. The damage has already been done.”

I continue to rest my head as Langston takes the hammer. Usually, I would be worried Langston was about to do some real damage to Enzo, but I know after what Milo did to me, Langston could try to hammer Enzo to the ground, and he wouldn’t even feel it. Forget about the drugs already soothing his veins. This new rage Enzo feels is consuming everything in his body.

I barely notice as Langston hits Enzo because my eyes stay on Enzo’s face. His eyes are glued to mine, and he doesn’t grimace or even move as each powerful hit is delivered. He’s a rock, one very pissed off rock, and he’s ready to get his revenge.

Langston stops, dropping the hammer, and I examine Enzo's body for any signs of injury, but I find none. I don’t think Langston put all of his strength behind the hits. He looks over at me as concerned as Enzo was.