And then I spot Liesel. She might be the only one truly on my side, but I don’t know what her motivations are.

Milo wants to destroy me.

Enzo wants to save me.

Langston wants to protect me.

And Liesel wants me to kick all of these guys’ asses. I can tell from the smirk and wink she gives me when I get out of the chair.

I can win this, I know I can, but at what cost?

And is winning going to actually help me? I have no idea. But I will keep playing until I know the answer.

I know that getting a tooth pulled hurts. I remember back to when I was ten and had to have a tooth pulled. Dad pulled it because it had a cavity, and we supposedly couldn’t afford a dentist. It was a baby tooth, but it still hurt like a motherfucker since it wasn’t loose.

Getting a permanent tooth pulled hurts.

The amount of blood and swelling in my mouth should be enough to clue me into the pain, even though I barely feel anything.

But Enzo didn’t feel anything either. He may have pretended to cry and wail like a baby, but that’s not him. He has a silent power to him. If he felt the pain, he would internalize it so only I would feel it with him. He wouldn’t vocalize his pain until he’d been tortured for hours and needed a release.

Something is going on, and I’m not the only one who notices it. But this game comes with no rules. So whatever Enzo’s secret to feeling nothing is, it doesn’t matter, because it won’t change anything.

“Would anyone like to surrender before the next round starts?” Archard asks, looking between Enzo and me.

I spit out more blood—the iron taste oozing over my tongue. God, I hate the taste of blood.

I glare at Archard for even asking me if I am going to surrender. I surrendered to let Milo take Enzo; I’m not going to give up again.

Enzo growls at Archard.

Archard rubs his neck. “Sorry for asking.” He looks at Milo, and I know it’s my turn to get cut.

I brace myself for Milo’s touch more than for the cut of the knife. Last round he took a torturously long time. I can’t handle that again.

This time though, that’s not on Milo’s agenda. He walks up to me with the knife at his side. I try not to pay it any attention as he walks, but my eyes dart down to the shiny metal still covered in mine and Enzo’s blood from the last time.

Milo grabs my shoulder, and unlike Enzo’s touch that burns in the best possible way, his touch electrocutes me making me powerless to what he’s going to do next. And then I feel the jab of the knife into my stomach, taking my breath away.

I cough from the sudden intrusion and look down at the knife still in my body. Somehow it feels like the knife doubled in size since the last time, but I know the sudden sharp pain is just from where he stabbed me and how forcefully he did it.

Milo grins at my reaction as I cough again, trying to regain my breath before he removes the knife. He spins it around, my blood flinging from the edge. He then tosses it at Langston who catches it expertly as he stands next to Enzo.

Langston gives Enzo no warning as he thrusts the knife into his stomach in the same way Milo did to me. It has the same effect on Enzo as it did to me. It knocks the wind from Enzo’s lungs. Langston is done playing around. He wants this over as much as Milo does.

“This is the third round and will involve water,” Archard says. He pulls out his phone, texts someone, and two men enter with a large vat of water.

Fuck you, father. Fuck you. When I’m finished with these stupid games, I’m going to hunt him down and kill him. I don’t care if I promised that he could live. I want him dead for coming up with such twisted games.

“Your head will be held under the water three times, each time longer than the first. I won’t tell you how long you will be held under, but I will time you and signal to your tormentor when the time is up. Kai, you will go first. If you would like to stop at any time, simply hold your hand up,” Archard says.

I don’t wait for Milo to order me around this time. I walk over to the large trough and kneel in front of it. I hate the water after six years of torment on the ocean. But I’ve gotten over my fear. Enzo helped me. I can do this. It’s all about remaining calm and blocking everything out.

I clear my thoughts and go back to my quiet, calm place.

Milo approaches from behind, and I don’t react. I feel his hand on my neck, but the pain is gone. I’ve shut him out.

“You need to end this, now,” Milo says in my ear.