Kai takes a seat, and the blood in my veins is fire—I’m going to burn from the inside out.

“Open your mouth,” Milo says, with a cocky grin.

She opens automatically, but her eyes tell me she isn’t here.

And in that moment, I’m happy. I don’t want her to feel fear or pain. Keep it turned off.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes as Milo hovers over Kai. I can’t watch this. I can’t watch him touch her without killing him right now and dooming us all. Because one thing I learned while captured by Milo is he has allies. Ones that would avenge his death in an instant. And he has a number two to take his place, but I don’t know who he is yet.

“You don’t get to close your eyes,” Liesel says next to me.

My eyes fly open. “It’s the only way I can get through this.”

“No, it’s not, and you know it. Keep your damn eyes open.”

I turn toward Kai and watch as Milo inserts the pliers and begins to pull. I expect for her to react, but she doesn’t. I don’t know how she turns her ability to feel off like that, but it’s both a gift and curse. I just hope she can find herself again when this is all over.

He pulls and jerks. I wince and the whole room gasps at the sight of the blood filling her mouth. But she doesn’t even squeeze the armrests of the chair. She’s as calm as if she were sitting there drinking coffee.

“You don’t deserve her,” Liesel says, crossing her arms as she glares at me.

“I know.”

“Then save her; set her free.”

“I can’t do that. This is me setting her free.”

Liesel shakes her head. “You’re an idiot. You know that, right?”

“Fuck off, Liesel.”

She smiles. “I’m going to enjoy her torturing you. Because my money is on you breaking long before she does.”



I feel nothing.

Not the pull of my tooth.

Not the menacing touch from Milo as he grabs my jaw.

Not the look from Enzo begging me to stop.


At least until I taste the blood. The blood wakes me up and reminds me of what is at stake.

My life.

Enzo’s life.

And the lives of everyone who works for Black or has come to need the empire for protection.

I spit out the blood onto the floor and then get the hell out of the chair before Milo decides the trauma wasn’t enough and he needs to pull another tooth.

The fog lifts a little, and I look over at Enzo who looks white with rage. You can stop this. Just say the word, and all of this ends, I send to him.