I look up and see Langston standing in my doorway.

I smile lightly and wipe the rest of my tears from my eyes as she steps into the office.

He looks down at the files of women scattered all over the desk.

“Did you know about this?” I ask.

He nods. “Only Zeke and I knew.” Langston chuckles, shaking his head. “Enzo never wanted the world to see the goodness in him; he thought it was weakness. I guess you can thank his father for that twisted thinking.”

I brush my hand over the last file.

“We have to help him. Enzo deserves to be Black. The world needs him.”

Langston nods. “The world would be better off with Enzo as Black over Milo.”

“Then you will help me? You will help me make the trade?” I ask, meaning my life for Enzo’s.

Langston rubs his neck as he paces in the small office. His eyes drift up as he studies a picture on the wall. Some sort of black and white abstract painting.

Finally, Langston turns back to me, “I want to, Kai. I really want to. I need Enzo back as much as you do. I already lost Zeke; he made up one-third of who I am. Enzo made up the other third. I’m not whole without the two of them. I can’t bring Zeke back, but I can Enzo.”

“Then help me.”

His eyes tighten, and he bites his lip. “I can’t, stingray.”

I frown. “Why not?”

“Because Zeke would never forgive me.”

I huff. “Zeke wouldn’t forgive you? Are you serious? Zeke would totally forgive you for saving Enzo.”

Langston walks over to me and kneels in front of me on one leg. He looks so serious kneeling there.

“Are you about to propose? Because I can save you some trouble-the only man I would ever marry is Enzo,” I tease, stroking his cheek. It’s rough from his stubble.

He takes my hand, and I really don’t know what he’s doing.

“I want to save Enzo, but not by losing you. I won’t trade you for him. Zeke wouldn’t forgive me. Enzo wouldn’t forgive me. I wouldn’t forgive me.”

He kisses the back of my hand. “Zeke protected you, and it cost him his life. Enzo saved you, and it cost him his empire and possibly his life. I’m not going to let their sacrifices be for nothing. Which is what would happen if you save Enzo.”

I frown. I can’t fight Milo, Enzo, and Langston at the same time. I need Langston on my side.

“What if I don’t have to sacrifice myself to save Enzo?”

He smiles sadly. “You know that’s the only way, and I’m not going to let that happen. I’d die before I let Milo or any man take you.”

“I can’t let Enzo sacrifice for me. Zeke shouldn’t have. And I’m not going to let you die for me either.”

“Is Enzo worthy of saving? Does the good he’s done absolve his sins?”


“That’s how we all feel about you, but even more so because your crimes are nothing compared to Enzo’s. And the good you could do, if given the chance, would triumph over anything Enzo is capable of.”

“But I haven’t done any good.”

“Oh, stingray, you have no idea what you have done. You healed a man so broken we all thought he couldn’t be saved. You made him love. And you gained the love and trust of Zeke and me, two men who have given up that idea completely. You showed us what true strength is. You should be Black. You.”