I don’t realize where we are going until we are stopped outside the club.

“What are we doing at Surrender?” I ask.

“Reminding you that there is more at stake than just you and Enzo.”

Liesel hops out and flicks her keys to one of the valets. I slowly climb out afterward.

I don’t want to go in the place filled with Enzo’s belongings. I don’t want to face all the men I’m not worthy of leading.

But Liesel won’t give me a choice. At least I can drink away my sorrows here.

I step inside and watch as Liesel struts. She’s wearing leather pants that hug her hips and a light grey sleeveless shirt that shows off her toned arms and just the right amount of cleavage.

She tosses her hair back, and every man in the room watches her do it.

I’ve never been envious of another woman before, but Liesel makes me jealous in a way I didn’t think was possible.

She scours the room as if looking for her prey. And in a second, she focuses in on her target.

I follow her eyes and find Langston sitting with a drink in his hand and the attention of every woman in the bar. Langston has a reputation for being a bit of a manwhore, but I haven’t seen it much myself. Mostly because I was always too focused on Enzo. Or I was hanging out with Zeke.

But watching him now, every woman is flocking to him. He’s not attractive in the same way that Enzo is, or even Zeke was. Enzo is dark, controlling, and power. Zeke was all muscle and strength, his muscles pouring out of him hiding everything else. But Langston is more clean cut. His hair is short and perfectly styled. His clothes fit his toned but not bulky muscles. He has a few tattoos, but not enough to make him look like a bad boy. His blue eyes are what draw in the women, and his sultry smile is what seals the deal.

His dimply smile disappears when he spots Liesel—glaring at him like he fucked up in the worst possible way. And I can’t help myself.

“Is there something going on between you two?”

“No, and there never will be. He’s a manwhore. He can’t even keep it in his pants when he’s supposed to be working.”

Liesel stomps off toward the offices.

I follow and collapse into the chair Enzo usually sits in. I take a deep breath, savoring his musky scent.

Liesel paces, waiting for Langston to enter.

“A peace offering,” Langston says, holding up two margaritas. He hands one to me and the other to Liesel.

“You are supposed to be working to find a relative of Kai’s, not flirting and fucking every woman within a five-mile radius,” Liesel snaps.

“Actually, my radius is ten. Women have no problem traveling to ride my cock,” Langston says.

I ignore both of them. “Did you find anything, Langston?”

He winces. “You seem to be the last Miller left. Other than your father, I couldn’t find anyone.”

I close my eyes, trying not to let the news affect me. I knew this was probably going to happen anyway.

“What about you? How did your appointment go?” Langston asks.

“Really, Langston? Read the room,” Liesel says sharply.

Langston collapses into the chair next to me, obviously reading between the lines.

“I’m sorry,” he says. When the doctor said she was sorry, it felt a little empty and cold. But when Langston says it, every syllable of his apology is dripping with the same pain I feel.

We are all silent for a moment. I work on gulping down my margarita. The empty sound the straw makes as I suck up the last of the liquid brings us all back.

They smile lightly at my slurping.