She frowns. “Have any siblings?”



“Not that I’m aware of.”

“Any long lost child?”


Liesel looks across to Langston, eyeing his crotch. “Well, you better get to work then.” She smirks as she says it.

It takes me a minute to catch on to what she is saying. But it catches up to me all at once; she wants Langston to fuck me so I can have a baby.

“Ew, no. No offense, Langston.”

“None taken,” he says with a grumpy look.

“Besides the fact that Enzo is currently occupied, there is another problem when it comes to me producing an heir.”

“What?” Liesel asks.

“I don’t think I can have a child.”


Liesel’s mouth falls open a little, and I can see the pain cutting across her perfectly curled eyelashes.

Langston clears his throat, clearly uncomfortable.

Finally, Liesel regains her composure. “I’m sure we can find a far off relation with a child we can make your heir.”

I nod. I have to have some relative.

Which gets me think

ing, how close of a relative do I have to find to make my heir?

Archard has packed up his things, but he’s still standing at attention as if he knows I’ll have more questions for him before he leaves.

Slowly, I walk over. I already know the answer in my heart to the question I’m about to ask, although I don’t know how it’s possible. I don’t know how Milo gained the right to his own empire if what I think is true.

How did they grow up on such different continents but somehow end up exactly the same? How did one grow up trained to be evil turn out so good? And one who grew up away from the darkness turn so evil?

“How close of a blood relation does the heir have to be?”

“The child of a sibling, first cousin, aunt, or uncle.”

I take a deep breath, not wanting to know the answer to the next question. “How are Milo and Enzo related?”

“They are half brothers.”

I close my eyes as if that will block some of the shock from entering my body.

