“So she’ll have a child. I don’t understand why this helps me?”

I croak. “Loosen your grip, and I’ll tell you.”

He reluctantly does.

“Because Kai isn't capable of having a baby. No blood relation, no heir, no throne. You can only become Black if you have a direct relative who is of the next generation. There always has to be another leader ready and waiting to take over your place. To fight to become Black. And there has to be a guardian worthy of taking over as Black that the winner of the game declares.”

I can see Milo still doesn’t follow everything.

“I win. I become Black. I declare you as my immediate second in case of my untimely death. I make your child my heir. You kill me and become Black. The Miller bloodline ends with Kai. Which means you and your heir become rulers of Black forever.”

The bastard grins as he finally understands how he gets my title, my empire, and most likely, my girl.

I smirk. He can think he will get Kai. He won’t. I’ve put enough backup plans in place to ensure that will never happen.

“I can’t wait until I get to kill you,” Milo says.

“And I can’t wait until you join me in hell.”

I attack with my full force, driving my bloodied head into his chest, knocking him down hard. And then I don’t let up kicking.

He just chuckles though, and I hear the sound of footsteps nearing.

“Really? You truly won’t fight fair, will you?” I say getting one final kick in before his men storm the room. Two men restrain me as Milo gets up, spitting out blood.

Milo thinks he can hurt me. He thinks he can do damage. And I’m sure when he’s done, my body is going to be broken and covered in blood. It will be the last time he touches me though before the game. He wants me to be strong enough to fight against Kai and win quickly.

But Milo can’t hurt me. My heart belongs to Kai. To the woman who will soon find out the rest of the contract. She will find out she has to birth a child for a chance at winning. Something she knows in her heart she can’t do. I hope we are both wrong. I hope she can have a child and have her chance to fight to become Black. Maybe by then I’ll be able to find a way to kill this bastard without risking her.

It kills me to think she can’t have a child. That choice shouldn’t be taken from her by anyone. But not being able to produce an heir might be the one thing that saves her from this world.



“We need to attack now,” Liesel says.

“No, we need to wait until the next game. We need to wait to attack,” Langston says.

Liesel pouts her lips, sticking out her curvy hip like that is going to convince Langston. “Ever heard of the benefits of a surprise attack?”

Langston gets in her face. “Ever heard that it is overplayed and there is no such thing as a surprise when the enemy is expecting us to attack to get our leader back?”

Liesel rolls her eyes. “Every day that Enzo is with Milo is a day he is suffering. A day that will do untold damage to him. He doesn’t deserve that. We need to get him back, now!”


gston puffs his chest. “Enzo is strong. He spent his entire life suffering. I don't think a few days locked in a cell will hurt him.”

“He doesn’t deserve to have to deal with any suffering! Why don’t you realize that?”

“Because the worst that Milo will do to Enzo is lock him in a cage and deny him food. He won’t kill him. He won’t physically hurt him. Milo needs Enzo in order to take the Black empire. Enzo is safe! Possibly safer than all of us!”

I sigh as Westcott brings us coffee, but I’m hoping he laced it with alcohol because I’m going to need something stronger if I have to keep listening to both of them bicker.

“Will you two stop it?” I snap.

Langston growls.