“We are tied one to one, first to three wins. If I win the next two games, I will become Black. I will own the entire empire.”

He stands, trying to kick me while I’m down, but I roll and quickly get to my feet.

“How do I know you will then turn your empire to me?”

“The contract Archard sent you. I had to name an heir. It has to be blood-related. Archard confirmed you and I share blood. I think we are long lost cousins or something. He didn’t say exactly how. Anyway, my heir has to be younger. One of the next generation, so to speak. So that means I technically made your future child my heir.”

He narrows his eyes, not liking my words.

I smirk. “I take it you haven’t had a child yet.”

“No.” He stops punching for a second, taking my words in. “And even if I did, I don’t want my child to be the heir. I want to rule.”

I nod. “Which is why you are the guardian of the heir until you have a child or one that is old enough to take over.”

“So you win, and then you just give me your empire?” he asks.

I crack my neck back and forth, loosening up as if I’m going to the gym and not beating the crap out of this guy.

“Yes and no. When I win, I will be made Black. You need to have a child before that happens. So that child becomes heir. But until that child is old enough, eighteen to be exact, you will be able to rule as his or her guardian.”

He frowns.

“You’ll have eighteen years to rule or get the rules of the empire changed.”

His frown lifts.

But I have one more piece he’s forgetting about. And I’m going to enjoy telling him. No matter who he stole, there is still the possibility he will lose it for himself.

“But there is one more thing. The change of rulers only occurs after the current ruler’s death.”

Milo smiles. “I’ll have no problem killing you when this is all over.”

I nod. “I know, but then you will have to have your heir compete against Kai’s heir for the honor of being Black. At least when the heirs both turn eighteen.”

Panic reads over his face even though there is no reason to panic.

“Another battle? You never said anything about another battle! After you win, I thought you could change the rules to make me Black fair and square.”

I shrug. “Don’t think an heir of yours could win?”

He grabs my throat and shoves me hard against the wall again. I feel the concrete digging into my scalp, slicing through like butter. This time I wince at the pain. I pushed him too far.

“An heir of mine could win.”

“Good, because I can’t change the most basic rule of how the Black empire runs, especially not in the few hours you are going to allow me to live after I become Black.”

He growls.

“Besides, I don’t think there will be another battle. I’m not even sure Kai truly has a chance to win this battle in the first place.”

He narrows his eyes. “Why not?”

“Because to win, you have to declare a blood heir—either your child or the child of a brother or sister or other direct relation. Kai has no family left other than her father. So that means she would have to have a child herself to make her heir.”

Kai has no family left because my family made it their mission to kill any Millers alive. So that this exact situation would eventually happen. So that the Rinaldi’s, my family, could claim the title of Black forever. It was a smart plan, except I’m surrendering the title to this madman before me who only shares a single drop of my blood.

Milo tightens his grip on my throat with every word that leaves my mouth. My head is pounding, and my breath is shaky.