I lift my swinging arm and gently put it back into the sling as a drop of blood skirts down my cheek and runs over my lip. The blood tastes cold in my mouth. It tastes bitter and sour.

But my blood saved him.

Enzo may be equally as hurt, but not as damaged. He will get a chance to heal, while I will end up dead.

Not today. Today I will live and wish I was dead. But someday soon, I will breathe my last breath at the hands of Milo.

Milo stops at a door leading down to a basement. His head cocks as a slow grin forms on his face.

I don’t want to see what’s behind the door, but whatever it is, it won’t scare me nearly as much as the man himself does.

“You realize how foolish you are, correct?” he asks.

“Saving the man I love isn’t foolish.”

He shakes his head. “Falling in love is foolish.”

I search Milo’s eyes. He’s fallen in love before. He wears the same scars I do. He carries his pain as he bears the scar I sliced onto his cheek, like a badge he will never get rid of no matter how much time passes.

“You were once foolish, too,” I say.

“Yes, and I regret it every day.”

“I don’t regret falling in love.”

His eyes grin at me with all the evil of the world. “You will.”

“Open the door, do your worst, I will never regret falling in love with Enzo.”

Milo’s hand stretches out, and his thick fingers graze my cheek.

I flinch.

Dammit. Don’t show fear. Not so soon. Not from the simplest of touches.

“I know everything about you, Kai Miller. I know you can’t stand being touched. I know you’ve endured more pain than most people can survive. And I know you are strong enough to become the true heir of Black.

“I know the more pain I cause you, the stronger you will become. You will turn your body into ice. Your heart into stone. And your mind will block everything out—Enzo included. When I’m finished with you, you won’t know what love is anymore. I will bleed you of your weakness until you have none left.”

“No,” I whisper. He can’t. It’s not possible. I won’t let myself shut down again. I’d rather die and feel everything than give up my love for Enzo.

Milo tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, and I shatter. A low growl of my voice warns Milo to stay away. But instead, it only goads him on.

“We are going to have so much fun together, you and I. I’ve never had a woman react so strongly

to the most comforting of touches.”

The only way to protect my heart is to throw up my icy shield and hope if I ever get free, Enzo will be able to crash through my walls once again.

“I will take everything from you, Kai Miller. Everything. And when I’m finished with you, you won’t have a heart left to give. No love left to protect Enzo with. You will be mine. And together, we will steal the Black empire and rule the world together.”


You won’t get my heart.

Lock it away.

But the gleam in his eyes tells me that’s exactly what he wants me to do. To lock it all away. Because if I do, my love will be gone. I’ll become hardened to the world. I’ll no longer care about Enzo Black. And Enzo isn’t here to break me free. I’ll be trapped in my own body with no way out.