I imagined slipping away in agonizing pain.

But never this.

I close my eyes, trying to feel what is left of Enzo in the air, which isn’t much. Enzo lives full and unresolved. He can sweep in and explode into the leader he is, taking charge in a way no other man can, and then the next moment he can whoosh away, taking every drop of oxygen in the room with him.

At least the oxygen I need to survive.

My tears stop, my breath eases, my heart slows.

I’m barely here.

I wouldn’t call what I feel peaceful—in fact, it feels like something was ripped from me. I feel empty. I feel nothing. I feel numb. Maybe that’s as close to peaceful as I can ever hope to get.

Suddenly, I hear the door behind me as Langston steps out. I don’t open my eyes. I don’t acknowledge his presence. I’ll be gone soon. The wind will take away the pain. My heart will stop beating rather than deal with any more pain. I’m done, and there is nothing Langston can do to stop me.

“If you collapse and stop breathing, I’m going to have to perform CPR and Enzo will kill me for touching your lips. So don’t do that to me, stingray,” Langston says.


My heart clenches as he says stingray, and a soft smile graces my lips.

Thank you, Zeke.

Thank you for reminding me I don’t get to die. Zeke sacrificed everything so I can live.

Enzo isn’t dead yet. Milo won’t kill him until he figures out how to use him to take over the Black empire. I have time.

I open my eyes and stare at Langston, and for the first time, I see how much pain he is in too. I can see the desperation to stop following Enzo’s orders and chase after Enzo right now. The desperation to leave me alone and unprotected so he can put things right.

We both exhale. And make a silent promise to each other to put each other first.

Langston and I may not have shared the connection Zeke and I had. I may not love him like I do Enzo. But we are all that we have left—just the two of us.

We have both lost everyone we love.

“We will fight. I’m not ready to give up on Enzo yet,” Langston says, staring into the starless night.

I nod. “Together then?” I hold out my hand to him.

“Together.” He takes my hand.

One of the tiny cracks heals as Langston takes my hand. Maybe we can fix everything together.

Some Time Later…

* * *

The sun pours into the room, searing into my eyes, forcing me awake.

I moan as I lay face down on top of the covers on the bed Enzo and I used to share. Drool slips from my mouth, and my head pounds from the tiny amount of light blinding my eyes.

Sleep…more sleep.

That’s all my brain can process.

I don’t know what day it is. I don’t know what time it is. I can still smell Enzo on the unwashed sheets, the only thing keeping me present instead of drifting back off to dreamland.
