“I didn’t want you to think I wouldn’t show up.”

He chuckles and stares at me as if he knows a secret—my truth. I showed up early so Milo would take me before Enzo found a way to break free and stopped this.

“Search her,” Milo says from his throne of a chair he is sitting on. The two men flanking him approach me and as much as I don’t want to be touched; I hold out my hands and stare straight ahead at Milo.

The men run their hands all over my body, searching for weapons. They will find none but the sharp shards of what is left of my heart I plan on using to stab Milo in his sleep.

I tense at their touch. Unwelcome touch still feels like knives being shoved into my skin. But I don’t show my pain. I won’t let myself whimper, retreat, or shed a tear—no weakness.

The men step away satisfied. And Milo’s eyes turn darker. He can’t read me as well as Enzo can, but I must have shown some look of pain at their touch as much as I tried not to, because he smiles at the torture running through my body.

“Take a seat,” he says as the two men disappear, leaving us alone.

I don’t want to follow his orders. I don’t want to sit. I want to run. But I won’t let myself. I will follow orders until he takes me back to Italy. Until I know Enzo is safe. Only then will I fight back.

I take a seat on the large couch opposite Milo.

“Good girl,” he says like I’m a dog.

“When do we leave?” I ask, wanting to get out of here and protect Enzo as soon as possible. I threw the key down a gutter. The phone reception around the club is spotty. It should take him a while to get free from the handcuffs, but I don’t want this to linger. I want this done.

“In a hurry?”

“No, I just want the deal finished.”

He shakes his head. “You can’t save him. Even if I take your deal, eventually I will get him.”

I growl. “No, you won’t. It’s part of the deal. If you choose me, then you leave Enzo alone.”

“Who says I’ve chosen you over him?” Milo asks.

“I have. I’m here; he isn’t. I’m the only option you have.”

Milo’s eyes drift up, and a slow evil grin plasters on his face. And I already know who is standing behind me—Enzo.

I turn and see his dark twinkling eyes burning with a fiery gaze at me.




When I walk into the room, Kai’s heartbeat, breath, and life stop. The devastation on her face at seeing me here will stay with me forever. She thought she had won when she handcuffed me to that pipe. She thought she played me and finally won. And she probably would have if I wasn’t so determined to keep her safe.

Langston was nearby. I made sure he came with me to help me stop Kai from going with Milo. If it came down to it and Milo tried to take her, Langston and I would have fought his entire army just the two of us. There is no way Milo is taking Kai from me.

I made a promise to her that I would always protect her.

I made a promise to Zeke’s memory that I would never let another hurt her.

I will break neither promise.

So I called Langston, and he set me free. And now I’m here, ensuring Kai doesn’t throw her life away to keep me safe. I don’t deserve her sacrifice. She’s an angel; I’m a demon. If anyone deserves to go to hell, it’s me.

“Let her go so you and I can talk, Wallace,” I say, but still staring at the woman on the couch. How could it be that only minutes ago my cock was filling her, her mouth was devouring mine, and her legs wrapped around my waist? I thought that was happiness, but then she declared her love for me, and I realized what happiness really is. Happiness is being loved by another. Happiness is realizing your feelings are the same. Happiness is forgetting the rest of the world exists.

But I’m not happy anymore—I’m pissed.