“Langston! Put me down!”

I flail my arms, pounding into his back, his ass, anything I can reach. He doesn’t let go. I dig my nails and teeth into his back, but no amount of pain that will make him put me down. He’s decided how he wants to do this, and for some reason he thinks it will be easier if I’m tied up.

I have to think of another way.

I stop fighting, saving my energy as he carries me up the stairs.

The sun hits my back, and once again, I hear the waves of the ocean as the boat rocks gently. He’s going to have to set me down to try and tie me up, so my only other choice is to jump into the ocean.

I take slow, deep breaths, trying to prepare my lungs for a long shot. If I can swim back to the island or to one of the other yachts, then maybe Langston will give up on trying to tie me up. He’ll feel like we are running out of time and just get on with whatever horrible thing he has to do.

“If you are going to hurt me physically, you don’t have to tie me up to do it. I can take it.”

“I know,” he says as he sets me down. By the tone of his voice, I know he’s not going to change his mind. He still thinks he has to tie me up first.

So the second that my feet hit the ground again, I run as hard as I can in a straight line toward the side of the boat. I dive under the water, holding my breath for as long as I can. I pretend I’m a dolphin free in the ocean, even though I’m as far as you can get from being free.

I pop up finally when I run out of oxygen, but I can already feel Langston behind me. He knew what I was going to do.

He catches me in two strokes, wrapping his arms around me so I can’t swim anymore. I’m relying on him completely to keep us above water.

He leans down and kisses me, sweeping me away. We’re floating away in the ocean, away from all the heartbreak that awaits us.

He kisses me harder, his tongue rocking like the waves in my mouth. My heart thaws, my body relaxes. My mind tries to remind me of something, but I can’t think why my brain would need to interrupt me right now.

And then I’m being hauled up. My body is no longer in the ocean, but my lips are still locked against Langston’s as we both breathe hard into each other’s mouths.


His eyes are filled with guilt. Finally, I feel it—the rope around my wrists. He’s tied them together without me even realizing. He used his kisses as a weapon to control me, and I fell for it.

I swear I see a teardrop as he lifts my arms above my head and ties me to the pole.

“Killer,” I plead in a whisper, but I stop fighting. He’s already won.

He ties each of my ankles with a rope until they are spread apart.

My body reacts immediately, thinking that we are going to fuck instead of whatever horrible thing is going to happen next. My nipples pucker, wetness spreads between my legs, and my body heats.

He steps in front of me like he’s trying to decide what he does next. He doesn’t have any sort of weapon in his hand, which is a good sign, but I have no clues as to what dark sin he’s about to commit.

“One more time,” he brushes his lips against mine. “I just need you one more time first.”

One more time until what?

I can’t ask because his lips are against mine again, and his fingers are cupping my sex, spreading my wetness over my sensitive nub. I should keep my wits about me. After all, him kissing me last time was how I lost, but I don’t care. I can’t not kiss him, so I put everything into the kiss.

I don’t know why Langston feels like this could be one of our last times, but he does, and I’m not going to let one time go to waste.

I can’t move, being tied and naked to this pole, but it doesn’t matter. Langston is the master of my body. He knows how to turn me on, how to bring me to the edge, how to slow me down, so I don’t come too fast. He knows everything—even how to make me forget that I’m supposed to be fighting him, that I can’t love him.

When he kisses my lips, I moan.

When he teases my nipples, I groan.

When he pinches my clit, I see stars.

“I could listen to the sound of you coming forever.”