“Here, clean yourself and get dressed. You can either wait in the bar, or we can call you a car ride home,” one of the men says before the door swings shut.

I realize I’m in a bathroom, and the heap of fabric that was tossed at me is a towel, pants, and shirt.

I quickly stand up and use the towel to wipe some of the blood off. Without a shower and closing some of my wounds, nothing will get rid of the blood.

I put the plain clothes on. They are a little big, but the pants stay up when I walk, so they’re good enough. Then I go in search of the ducts on the east side of the building. I’m not sure exactly what I’m going to find, but I hope I find Rose. Rose is the only thing that would be worth me leaving Liesel alone in that room.

I exit the bathroom and assume those idiot guards are going to be waiting for me. They aren’t.

There is no one in the hallway.

I glance up, sure that there are cameras monitoring me. People who work for the Browns are watching me and will attack me if I go somewhere undesired.

I move quickly, headed toward the east side of the building. My ears perk up, and my eyes glance around every turn, trying to figure out where Rose might be.

The ducts?

Rose must be a floor above us, but still, why would Liesel tell me to search the ducts? Is that the only way to get to the second floor?


There is another bathroom on this side, so I decide to duck inside, hoping there aren’t any cameras in here while I figure out a plan.

I pace inside, trying to figure out what Liesel isn’t telling me.

I hear a clank, and I look up.

“Shit,” a soft voice curses through the vent.

My heart—my heart leaps at that sound, a sound I wasn’t sure I’d ever hear again. My precious girl is in the ducts.

“Rose?” I say hesitantly.

“Dad?” her voice returns.

Oh my god.

The ceiling is low, so I jump with everything I have and grab hold of the vent cover. It falls off easily with my weight. Then I jump again and pull myself up the sides of the vent. I poke my head inside to see my favorite smile in the whole world staring back at me.

“You came for me, just like the woman with the funny name said you would.”

I smile. I don’t think I’ll ever stop smiling.


She nods.

“Did she help you get in the ducts?”

“Yes, she told me to crawl straight or right, not left. To be as quiet as possible and that you would find me. I’m so glad you did.”

“Me too.”

I feel myself slipping. I can’t hang on much longer.

“Rose, I’m going to drop back down. After I do, I’m going to need you to jump down, and I’ll catch you. Can you do that?” I already know my adventurous girl will have no problem jumping.

“Of course, I can do that,” she says in her sassy little voice.