The other man at our table has higher cards. I’m out of anything but the sacrifice card. I look to Zeke, and from his gaze, it seems he’s in the same position.

We have to win.

There is nothing left to do but sacrifice everything. We both play our cards and hope to hell it’s enough to save Atlas.



Finally, I’ve made it to the last table.

It’s down to two—me and Corbin.

I was surprised he showed his face, even more surprised to see that he entered the game. And he, unlike the rest of his minions entered in the game, even did one of the dares he bet. It cost him his pretty face getting marred, swollen, and bloodied up.

It’s that same face now that’s dripping with blood that stands between me and saving Declan. He’s the one remaining wall to possibly earning forgiveness for losing Rose and Atlas—not that I’ll ever be able to forgive myself.

I’ll win.

It’s not about having the cards. It’s about willing to bet everything. It’s about being willing to endure the most pain, suffer the most without fear. That’s how you win this game.

That’s something I have plenty of. Losing an arm will teach you a thing or two about pain.

My concern isn’t about how much more I can endure. Sure, there is blood dripping down my forehead and seeping into my eye, making it hard to see. And yes, my ears are ringing and haven’t stopped for hours now. I have gashes all over my back. My cock doesn’t want to be touched ever again. I’m pretty sure I can’t have children after the beating my balls took.

But that’s nothing.

My concern is what happens after I win. Will I actually get Declan? Or is Corbin not going to keep his promise? Is he going to find a way to disqualify me? Is this all a ruse to keep us at specific locations while they move the kids to someplace we will never find them?

The only way to find out is to finish the game.

Cards are dealt one by one to Corbin and me.

Neither of us looks at the cards. We glare at each other like this is a staring contest instead of a fucked up game where lives are hanging in the balance.

Finally, we both pick up our cards one by one. I have a few face cards, a two, and an ace. Then I pick up the last card.

This one is different than any of the cards I’ve previously gotten. ‘Sacrifice Card’ is written across the top.

I don’t always read the bets, knowing there is nothing I wouldn’t do to rescue Declan, but this card I read.

To win, you must sacrifice a part of yourself—your ability to feel and touch. Play the card, sacrifice yourself, and you win.

I look up at Corbin, who is grinning at me wickedly. No doubt he doesn’t have a sacrifice card. That’s what this has all been about—making us do the most ridiculous things, show how terribly we are suffering, then really make us hurt.

I’m afraid it’s a trick. Even if we win, the kids might not simply be returned to us like they say. What choice do I have, though?

Corbin bets, then it’s my turn.

I immediately go all in, including the sacrifice card. I’m tired of the games.

I either win and get Declan, or I lose and fight this motherfucker to the death. Either way is fine with me because either way, I’ll win. I don’t accept defeat.

I smirk at Corbin as I go all in, and his eyebrows jump up a second in shock. He didn’t think I’d play the sacrifice card. He didn’t think I’d be willing to go that far. He thinks pain scares me. He has no idea that losing my family is the only thing that scares me.

My ability to feel and touch—I’m not sure what that means, but I’ve lost a limb already. I can handle losing any physical part of my body. I have no problem adapting. Whatever it means, I’ll give it up.

“Your loss,” Corbin says.