I shake more furiously.

He laughs and relaxes his arms over the edge of the hot tub, seemingly at ease with wherever this conversation is going.

“I always knew we’d end up married,” he says.

“You did?”

“Of course. We both fought it because we are both so independent and stubborn, and we believed the lies. But I always knew you were it for me, huntress.” I can’t tell if he’s glad that I’m the person for him or tormented that we are stuck together.

He notices my change. “Tell me something I don’t know about you. Tell me a wish, a dream.”

I run my tongue over the front of my teeth. There is a wicked gleam in my eyes. I don’t have a wish or a dream for some far-off future other than ensuring that our kids are safe. I can’t think or plan for our future. That’s not something I want to imagine. It doesn’t warm my heart to plan a honeymoon or pretend that our marriage can survive what’s coming.

“I’ve never had sex in a hot tub under the stars,” I say.

“Really? I thought everyone had,” he teases.

I shake my head slowly, keeping my lust-filled eyes on him.

I’m tired of talking.

He’s obviously trying for a romantic night, but I’m tired of it. I want dirty, filthy sex. That’s the only thing that can get me out of my head right now.

I inch toward him; his arms stay on the edge of the tub. His eyes are already attacking me, roaming over every part of my body he intends to kiss, lick, tease. A rush of excitement spreads between my legs at the look.

I inch forward until I’m as close as I can get without touching him. Still, he doesn’t try and touch me. When I glance at his hands, I see his knuckles are turning white. He’s gripping onto the side of the tub to control himself.

“What are you doing?” I giggle at his ridiculousness.

“Trying to take my time so I can memorize every face you make. How you sound when you breathe versus when I’m touching you. How you feel.”

“You can’t know how I feel if you don’t touch me.”

“If I touch you, I’m going to get caught up in fucking you and miss the glow you have, the fire in your eyes.”

“What’s wrong with getting lost in me?”

“Nothing—I just want to take my time with you.”

I straddle his lap as I hold onto the tub on either side of his shoulders and let my body sink down on top of him.

“We only have one night. You don’t get to take your time with me.”

He frowns, but my comment finally makes him touch me. He grabs my hips as his pelvis tilts his hard length between my legs. He tilts his head forward, taking my bottom lip into his mouth. His growl rattles through our bodies.

“We are pretending the outside world doesn’t exist for one night, but you are mine forever,” he promises.

He lifts me up and then drives me down onto his cock, claiming me in one stroke.

“So much for going slow,” I tease.

He responds by driving into me harder, shutting me up until I can no longer speak.

My body responds to his every thrust. My lips kiss his over and over. Our tongues collide and slide over each other.

Langston wants to take this slow to ensure we remember every second. I’d prefer to spend the night fucking over and over again until my body and brain can’t forget how Langston feels inside my body.

“I belong in your body,” Langston says.