Zeke thinks for a moment and then speaks. “I also agree with Liesel.”

I blink rapidly, not sure I heard him correctly. Two to two.

Everyone’s attention turns to Beckett.

“You’re the deciding vote, Beckett,” Langston says.

Beckett stares at his injured hand. He’s lost the most. Sure, Siren lost her voice and Zeke his hearing, but they can rely on each other to make up for the losses.

And I lost…

But Beckett has no one to help him. He was already at a disadvantage, and now that his other hand is injured, he’s going to struggle without a lot of help.

“We have to do what gives us the best chance to get Declan back. Talk to Phoenix, find out what she knows. Then, you can decide what the best course of action is to get Declan back.”

Langston stands in a huff. I think he’s going to storm out, frustrated with the group’s decision. He holds his hand out to me instead.

Carefully, I place my hand in his.

“Fine, let’s get this over with,” Langston says.



I got outvoted.

That’s why I’m currently climbing on board a yacht instead of planning a tactical mission to take out Corbin and everyone who works for him. Being on the ocean like this used to be my sanctuary, but now it’s my nightmare. Anywhere my kids aren’t is my nightmare.

Liesel stands next to me on the top deck as we ask one of the employees where they’re keeping Phoenix. He gives us her room number and the code to get in before walking away to continue his duties.

We head downstairs to her room. My hand hovers over the security keypad outside her room.

“You sure?” I ask Liesel.

She nods. “Phoenix is not a bad person. She’s done some horrible things because she’s hurting, and she doesn’t know how to deal with the pain. She’ll help us.”

I’m not sure if I agree with her, but I enter the code and open the door. I step inside first; I’ll do anything I can to protect Liesel.

Phoenix is sitting on the bed, staring out a window, looking out at the ocean. She doesn’t glance over at us as we enter.

“So, you failed and are begging me to convince my brothers to give you your kids back, huh?” Phoenix asks.

I’m about to yell at her, attack her, squeeze her until she pays for everything she’s put us through.

“No, that’s not why we are here,” Liesel says, stepping out from behind me.

Phoenix snaps her head to Liesel.

I grab Liesel’s hand, trying to keep her back. Phoenix is going to try to attack her.

Liesel shakes me off. She walks over and sits on the foot of the bed staring at Phoenix.

“We won the games,” Liesel says.

“You got the kids back?” Phoenix asks.

“We got Rose and Atlas back,” Liesel says.